Chapter 13: It happened again

Start from the beginning

I let go of the railing and started falling. I closed my eyes, accepting my death, but a second after I closed my eyes, I suddenly stop. I didn't hit the ground yet...right? I opened my eyes and realized that I still had two stories to fall, but here I am, levitating. Levitating?! I then tried to figure out if it was my quirk. Sure enough, it is. I must have subconsciously triggered it, allowing myself to stop my descent.

I levitated myself to the ground, fixed my hair, then started my trip home. As I sat on the train, I started to get pissed off. I mean, I was always pissed off, but I use a quirk to suppress it so I don't feel it too much, and so that I don't lash out, otherwise I would be like Bakugo. Now though, I feel like if someone were to sneeze or look at me wrong, I would go up to them and punch them square in the face. I tried to suppress it, but I was too angry and it wasn't working. 'If I wouldn't have failed, I wouldn't be angry.' I then sighed, 'I'll try again soon'.

What a failure you are, you can't even kill yourself.

When I got home, I unlocked the door to find that a letter was on the floor. I read who it's from. It was from the landlord. 'Goddammit, I forgot to drop the money off yesterday morning!' I let out a sigh then collected the money that I owed and made my way down to the landlord's apartment. I no longer bothered knocking on the door and waiting for him to answer, I just slipped the money into an envelope and into his mailbox, then knocking on the door twice before walking off. When I got back to my house, I looked at my hand as if it could tell me what I should do first.

'Trying to get out that stain will take longer...then to dry...I'll do that first.'

I started the water in the sink so by the time I got back, the sink should be ready. I went to the corner in which my uniform laid disheveled, picked it up, and went back to the sink. I sat down the uniform while I shut off the water, then raised my sleeves so they didn't get wet. Picking up the slacks first to inspect them to see if they need a scrubbing, I decided that a good wash in the washer would do. They looked pretty good to me. I then picked up the blazer, 'Yeah...this needs a really good scrubbing. Good thing I'm angry, I get to take my anger out on something besides myself." As I submerged the blazer in the water, my arm also went underwater too, and the water was pretty hot. I inhale sharply through my teeth and winced a little from the pain at first from the hot water touching the sensitive scars on my arms, but then smiling cause I liked the pain. As I reached over to grab a sponge, I heard a knock at the door.

"You've got to be fucking me." I muttered as I walked over to the door, wiping my hands on a towel. I looked out the peephole to see who was there. No one was. As I walked back to the kitchen to resume what I stared, there was another knock at the door, "Fuck that." I growled under my breath as I finished what I was going to say in my head, 'If I didn't open the door, then why come back if you're going to just run away'. I put my hands under water to start scrubbing again, but the wall that held the only window in my apartment caved in, but with force, sending chunks into the kitchen where I was standing. I turned around to see that blue haired guy from the attack, along with some other villains accompanying him.

Without moving an inch, I said with irritation in my voice, "What the hell do you want?" There was silence. "Bold of you to just break in like that." A smile worked its way onto my face and I scoff just before I add, "Good thing I'm in a piss poor mood."

As I jet towards the lower grade villains, I made it so that the blue haired guy couldn't move or use his quirk since I didn't know what it was, and I didn't want to take any chances. With a single blow to each of the thugs' heads, they all were knocked out.

'What weaklings.'

"No fun. Is that all you hire? Low level thugs? How lame." I looked at the pail skinned freak sitting in the corner of the room as I walk over to him. "For someone who broke into the USJ, I would have thought that you would get some better men. The fight last time was way better."

He then spoke up and said with a crooked smile, "I want you to join my team. Only you could defeat my Nomu like that. I bet that not even All Might himself could take one out like you."

I then smiled back and tried to say in a polite tone, "Awe, how nice of you to say something like that. I'm going to blush." My smile then when away instantly as I finished and went on in a dead tone, "Seriously, how fucking bold of you to just pop in like this. Also making my apartment look like this..." I pointed my arm out straight behind me to point to the damage that he had made. "Now you really pissed me off." I then added with a sadistic smile, "You're going to pay." I went to town punching him mainly in the face with a strength quirk behind my hits. Before I could finish him off, the teleporting villain showed up and took him away.

"Fuck'n shit!" I yelled as I kicked a fairly large piece of rubble and sent it flying. I then went to one of the stools at the counter and sit there for a few minutes, just looking over what was once my living room wall with a window. I then let out a sigh as I pulled out my phone and went to my contacts to find who I was looking for.

There were a few rings before they picked up, "Hello?"

"Heeeeey,'s me" I said as I looked outside.

"What happened? You normally don't call people, you always text" he said in a worried tone.

"Well, it's nothing too bad." I said, making the pitch a little higher towards the end.

"Y/N, what happened." he said with a little bit more concern.

"Well, it turned out that the blue haired guy from the USJ attack and some thugs showed up at my place-"

I was cut off by Toshinori, "Are you alright?!"

I then said under my breath, loud enough so he could still hear me, "Let me finish, please."

He then apologized, "You're right, sorry."

I continued, "Anyway, when they showed up, they busted down the entire outside wall of my living room and the thugs tried to fight me, but they each went down with a single blow. Once I had taken care of them, I then beat the crap out of their boss (I guess if that is what you'd call him) cause how could I not be mad if someone broke a whole wall just to break in."

He replied with a sense of relief in his voice, yet still a little worried, "It's wonderful that you're okay and it would be aggravating when someone breaks your home like that, but what happened to Shigaraki?"

I then said as calm as can be, "Is that his name? Well, a teleporting villain took him before I finished him off."

Toshinori then said angrily, "Dammit."

Before he could say anything else I said, "I'm sorry. I know I suck at this, but could you please just come over and help me with the wall? I can return it to its previous state, but I kinda don't want to use two quirks on things for myself such as this. All I need you to do is hold the chunks of wall for me."

He then said with a sigh, "Yeah, I'll be right over"

I then tried to sound happy, "Thank you!"

I put down my phone and stared out at the view from my living room. I then looked down and closed my eyes as I whispered under my breath, "Ugh, what a pain."

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