Cabin 33

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This chapter is dedicated to Ktine22, novemcoids, & user37208140, thanks for your upvotes and comments 💕


I fidgeted on my seat. What punishment is he talking about? What did I do? Why am I getting excited and nervous at the same time?

We're now on our way back to Seoul and jiyong's been giving me the silent treatment.

He told he'll let me remember what I did last night and I don't even know if I want to remember it. What the hell did I do?  I was tempted to bang my head on the window incase it'll make me remember.

"It's ok if you don't remember anything, you will once we get home." Jiyong whispered and I can't help it. I elbowed him, making groan.

"Oww what was that for?" He whined.

"Tell me what I've done now or I'll throw you out the window." I glared and he chuckled.

"Nope. If I tell you now, you'll jump out the window and I can't have you do that, can I?" Now I'm terrified of I've done.

What would be the worst thing I could have done? Did I vomit on him? I cringed at the thought.

"You want a hint?" I jumped a bit on my seat when he whispered on my ear again.

"No thank you." The longer I learned about it, let's prolong the embarrassment shall we?

"I can give you an example so you'll know what to expect later." His voice was low and why is it getting hard to breathe?

"Fine. What's the example?" A glint in his eyes wanted me to backout.

"Are you sure?" My impatience is getting the best of me.

"Just hurry u—" my breath got hitched on my throat when I felt his mouth on my neck! I clenched my fists and bit my lips to stop myself from moaning as he lick and nip on my earlobe. His hand dangerously resting on my thigh.

"We'll continue later." He blew on my ear and goosebumps spread throughout my body. Holy fhscwtehwcusb!

I stared at him in horror as he crossed his arms and leaned back closing his eyes like nothing happened.

I let go of the breath I'm holding and glared at this sexy beast beside me. Have I gone insane? Did I actually attack him? I found my answer on the hickey by his collar. Not fair! I can't remember how he tasted! Not the issue here dara! I scolded myself.

I fanned myself with my hand, contemplating if I should jump out the window.

He said we'll continue later. Heol! Why am I looking forward to it? Should I drink first to get rid of my nerves? But I won't remember anything!

It's too late to back down when I already felt his tongue on me! Ugh. I should find a place and make this like a one night stand or something eventhough it's not night time yet when we arrive.

Maybe I'll let him release inside me and then I can go back home declaring to my mom I might be going pregnant and convince her for us to move but I doubt he'll look for me anyway.

I face-palmed at the thoughts running on my head. Am I seriously considering this?

Please tell me this is all just a dream!! I groaned aloud and I stiffened when jiyong's head fell on my shoulders.

I looked at him and suddenly, images of me crawling to his lap and kissing him hungrily flooded my mind. I covered my mouth with my left hand to stifle my gasp. Omygosh. I did THAT!

I pulled out my hair in frustration! I told him about me catching him masturbating and that I'm actually enjoying it?! I even confessed it turned me on?!

Kill me now! I banged my head on the window rather loudly making jiyong jump on his seat. I attempted to open the window sonI can crawl out and jump but an arm snaked around my waist and his chuckle sent vibrations on my shoulder where his lips are.

"Did you remember?" A teasing tone on his voice. I looked around and thankful the others are dead asleep.

"No." I croaked.

"Then why are you trying to commit suicide?" I will not look at him! I know he'll have this smug look on his face.

"I told you I'm irresistible." He laughed and I rolled my eyes.

"Shut up!" I was able to glare at him and wriggled my body away from his grasp.

"You can't escape me. Remember you're the one who started it. I'm just letting you take responsibility." My vision turned black and now he's struggling away from my choke hold.

"Yah! Are you trying to kill me?!" He wheezed, gripping my hands tightly on his.

"What? You stopped me from killing myself, might as well just kill the other party involved." I shrugged.

He pulled me rashly to him, still holding both my hands. Because of what he did, I was kind of straddling one of his leg.

"Sshhhh. You'll wake them up." I gasped when he started bouncing his leg up and down.

"You should behave. I'm still contemplating if I should send you to heaven. I wanted to be gentle since you're a virgin but if you insist, I can go hard and bring you to hell." I bit my tongue and I'm now panting.

"Damn it. Why is this shit taking long?" Jiyong glared at the driver who was busy minding his own business and focued on the streets. If he's seeing what we're doing, he might send the van crashing somewhere.

"Ji." I moaned lightly and he released my hand, making me clutch into his shoulders as he gripped my hips and bounced his leg faster.

"Shhh. Your moans are mine alone." I bit into his shoulder as I felt my body stiffen and shake. Did I just orgasmed? Holy fuck! In public?! I slumped on his chest. I feel something poking my lower abdomen and I don't dare look down.

I cleared my throat and weakly went back on my seat, breathing in and outh rhythmically.

"Be a good girl now ok?" His hand rubbed my thighs and dear innocent side, goodye. I want him too. I glared at the back of the head of the driver.

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