Cabin 5

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I aimlessly strolled the busy streets. I can't believe I wasted an hour with them. The moment they opened their mouths, knowing where it's going, I just wanted to get up and leave but I had to be polite, in case they have something else to offer.

I grabbed my purse and starrd at my wallet with a frown. I shouldn't have bought that cake back there!

I put my purse back in my bag and stopped by a store when I saw a familiar face pop on the screen. There atr few girls who squealed at the sight.

I used to be like them. Care free and just fangirl to s.e.s and such. But that was me before when life was good.

I can't remember when the last time I had a liesure. I started working at a very young age that I have to stop going to college because my good of a father used all our money to gamble and left us in a pile of debt that we have to sell our house and now, my mom and my siblings are staying with our grandparents.

I have to work hard and find a job soon cause it's not only for my living expenses. That is the least of my priorities. I have to send money to them for my siblings education. I refused to have them stop their studies.

Tears sprung up my eyes and I quickly wiped it off and continued walking. I came to the city in hopes to find a better job but they won't accept undergraduates.

I risked the million won I had left for that house. Should I just leave and ask the dragon money? He's rich afterall. But then what? That money he could give will not be enough. I need a solution that would last and that is to find a stable job.

I wandered around, hoping I'll be able to come home through walking when my eye caught a Wanted: Helper sign. My eye sparkled and I quickly made my way in.

"Excuse me? I saw the sign outside and it says you need a helper?" I clasped unto my hands tightly and the owner smiled at me.

"Can you wait tables?" I nodded.

"Can you wash dishes?" I nodded again.

"Can you man the cash register?"

"Yes." I eagerly answered.

"Good, you're hired. You can start." My eyes widened.

"Uhmm... don't we have any contracts to sign?" She raised a brow

"This is a small diner dear. There's no such thing. You get paid by the end of the day. Any more questions? I bit my lips.

"How... much.."

"It depends on your effectiveness." Beggars aren't choosers dara.


"Start with the dishes." I went to the back and started washing the dishes. There's a lot and they're asking me to hurry.

After washing the plates, I waited tables and also manned the cash register. My arms were sore from all the work but I can't complain.

I got home late and gd is already asleep.  Having no energy left, I slept on the same clothes. Feeling exhausted. I'll need to come in earlier tomorrow.

They only gave me 625 ₩ per hour so I had 5000 ₩, working for 8 hours. It's good enough I guess but it's not enough to pay for my bills.

"I'll find another job tomorrow." I mumbled, falling asleep.

The next morning, I found myself flushed against a sleeping dragon again. I sighed. I should buy another pillow. I shook my head. Maybe later if have enough money.

I shot right up when I looked at the time and dashed to the bathroom. I got out and quickly changed.

"Seriously, you trust me too much woman." I almost tripped at a groggt voice. I looked up to see the dragon's elbow propped up as he lazily rubbed his eyes, watching me.

Should I sell my body to him? I can't help laugh at the thought. Maybe when I'm too desperate. But I have never considered in doing so. Maybe he does have an effect on me afterall. Envy.

I'm envious of his relaxed life as he has a job where he's good at and something he really wants to do. Some people are just really damn lucky. Maybe when God poured a rain of luck, I must've been stuck in a room somewhere.

I was startled to see he's already standing infront of me, our faces inches apart.

"Why are you staring at me like that?" he whispered. His breath fanning my face.

"Eww. For a celebrity, I thought your breath would smell nice." He suddenly backed away and breathed into his hand to smell it. I was lying. I wanted to laugh at his reaction but held it in.

"My breath is minty!" I rolled my eyes and bumped into him, going out.

"You found a job?" He called out as I put my shoes on

"None of your concern but yeah I did."

"Where?" I looked back at him and crossed my arms

"What is it to you?" He cleared his throat, looking away.

"I- I'm just looking out for you. You seem gullible and I feel responsible if anything happens tontou since you live under my roof." I cocked my head to the side, trying to study him.

"Don't worry, I can't die." I shrugged and he scoffed

"What are you, a vampire?" I smirked when an idea formed my head and I was beside him in a second.

"Don't tell anyone." I whispered and pecked his neck making him scream in terror, jumping on the bed. I laughed out loud, clutching my stomach.

"Thanks for breakfast!" I said as I left. I can't stop laughing. It's been so long since I've laughed this way. Now that I think about it, I always find myself laughing around him.

Ha! The great leader dragon is my personal clown. I shook my head with a smile and head out to my work.

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