Cabin 16

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"Finally! Last day!!" I groaned, closing my eyes and laid down on the bed, exhausted. Thankful it's already a weekend. I feel him removing my shoes and making me lie down properly.

"But you'll still have the same schedule next week?" I was too tired to glare at ji so I just raised my middle finger up to him. He chuckled and pulled me over to him to which I snuggled comfortably to. He changed his schedule and I'm more than happy to have my human pillow back. God I missed his smell.

"How's recording?" I mumbled and he rubbed his hand on my back.

"We'll talk later. Gotta sleep." I didn't even argue and just fell asleep. I woke up to find myself cuddling a pillow.

Delicious smell assaulted my nose though so I was not disappointed to see ji in his usual chef uniform. In boxers and apron and ooh, a mitten in one hand too as I groggily sat up.

"Nice of you to join me sleepyhead." I rubbed my eyes and stretched. I washed my hands and went near to jiyong and he automatically scooped a spoon of his dish, blew on it and let me try it.


"It's ok.." I shrugged and his eyebrows met and he quickly scooped another for him to taste. He scowled.

"It's perfect." I chuckled. A week's done so I can make fun of him again. My idea of fun consists of jiyong's unending offended scowls. Hahahaha.

"Then don't ask me next time. Just feed me" I smirked. Like a routine, I prepared the table by putting two plates and two sets of utensils.

"So how is it going with your album?" He eyed me curiously and then grinned

"Don't worry. I'll give you a signed album." I squinted my eyes at him

"Just in case we don't have the same definition of give, it means I will bot have to pay for it." He rolled his eyes

"I wouldn't put it past you to buy our album with how stingy you are. So out of the kindness of my heart, I'm going to give it to you for free." I laughed.

"I'll buy it to support you ok?" He cocked a brow

"Really now?"

"With not money of course. Something I can do for you instead. I'll give you an IOU card." As much as I want to really support him by buying it, I just cant. I automatically send all my money to my family and just leave some for emergencies.

"Ofcourse you'll do that."  I raised my hand in surrender

"Hey atleast I'll do something for you.  Do you want me to advertise your album in our office? I'm quite famous there you see." The girls are bitching on me cause the guys are friendly to me. Like, is it my fault? But then again, Bom, CL and Minzy is enough for me.

"I can tell." He scoffed

"Are still hung up about me saying mino looks a bit like you? In ny defense, he really does though. Just the face though. His built is bigger than yours... in all aspects." I stiffled a laugh knowing he easilybgets triggered if I target his manhood.

"Oh haha. You can joke all you want about my junior here but we both know you badly want it." He wiggled his brows and I cackled.

"Why does your laugh sound so offensive?" I laughed even harder and there's the signature scowl on his face.

I squealed and ran away when he stood up to hug me.

"Come here. Let me give you a spoiler." I laughed as we chased around the house.

"Yah. Just because you're chasing me, that means you could escape from doing the dishes." He scoffed and grumbled saying how unfair it is.

"Wash it good kwon" I giggled and picked up my towel.

I got in the washroom and took off my clothes except my undergarments when I heard a commotion outside. Thinking it's just jiyong, I walked out as usual.

"CLOSE YOUR EYES OR I'LL FUCKING RIP IT OUT OF YOU." jiyong's booming vlive evhoed throughout the house and I immediately went back in the bathroom only to be followed by jiyong.

"Yah! How many times do I have to say stop going out with only that!" He scolded.

"I didn't want some strangers to see me like that either. I thought something happened to you so I rushed out. You didn't tell me your members were visiting." I grumbled. Yes, four set of eyes gawked at me as I went out.

"I didn't either. The idiots." He sighed and rubbed his temple.

"Wear these when you get out." He pushed me clothes and got out. I raised a brow at the pair of sweatpants and sweatshirt on my hand.

I sighed and locked the door to go on with my showere.

"So you've been living together for almost a month now?" Why do I feel like ji and I are sitting in front of our parents breaking them baby news?

"That's what I told you." Jiyong glared at his members.

"Welcome to the family!" Seungri I believe, the one that looked like a panda, ipened his arms to hug me

"Do you want no lines ri?" He stopped midway and retracted his hands, hugging himself instead. The guy with oozing sexiness smirked. I think he's top. Based on bom's description.

"Why are you so possessive ji?" I looked at jiyong and tilted my head.

"D-don't look at me like that! Y-you know I–"

"Hold responsibility cause I'm staying under your roof. Ara." I rolled my eyes and stood up.

"You guys want some juice?"

"No beer?" Top asked in surprise.

"He doesn't want beer or any alcoholic drinks in the premises." Four of them laughed but jiyong stayed stoic.

"Water it is then." If I'll give them more sugar I'm afraid they'll be too hyped.

I stared at them amusely as jiyong frustratingly tapped on his phone. The four received it and gave him comical expressions and replied. Jiyong's brows furrowed at their reply and glared at them.

This is Bigbang? Kings of Kpop? Are they sure not Jokers of Kpop. I laughed and shook my head.

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