Cabin 25

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I stirred on my sleep and found myself crushed against jiyong's weight. I inhaled his scent before tapping his cheeks.

"Ji." I called out.

"Jiyong~" I whined, shaking his body.

"What dee? Let me sleep." He grumbled and my breathing hitched as he buried his face further on the nook of my neck. His lips brushing against it. I sighed and just closed my eyes to sleep again.

Jiyong's tongue felt hot against my skin, he sucked and nipped on my earlobe making me moan while hands wander beneath my shirt and firmly groped one of my breasts.

"Dara" he moaned my name and I felt his member twitching down below as it wakes to life.

"Jiyong~" my breathing ragged as he started to press his hardened manhood against my wet clothed core and started grinding on it.

I woke up with a start as I catch my breath. Sweat trickling down my face and neck.

Chills spread throughout my body when I felt his breath against my neck. I pushed him out of annoyance leading him to fall off the bed with a groan.

I quickly faked to sleep and moved around to justify why he fell out of bed. I can't believe I had a wet dream! With him nonetheless!

I've seen him half naked most of the time and even joked about his friend down there but never! Never have I ever thought about him that way that's why I was comfortable with making him my human pillow.

Why was there a sudden shift in gravity? Did something happen that I was not aware of? Am I in a dream inside a dream? That happens you know.

What triggered it? Must be his family and my colleagues coming over? Either way, I didn't like it! Gosh I feel so guilty.

When I felt the bed dip, I sat up and scratched my head like I had been woken up and mumbled incoherently while I stood up and went to the washroom to pee.

I splashed cold water on my face to wake myself up. I don't need to wake early especially if I'm still on the night shift and even so, it's still too early to start the day.

I peeked out and was grateful to find jiyong asleep on his stomach. I carefully trudged my way over to the bed and crawled furthest from him, laying sideways with my back on him.

"That was just a dream..." I convinced myself but still. It felt so real and I was not complaining and actually wanted to continue.

I silently groaned and rubbed my palms on my face in frustration. Aha! Maybe it's  sexual tension since I haven't gotten some. Maybe our topic earlier with the girls made my subconsciousness act rebellious.

I was afraid to close my eyes incase I dream of it again but I was too tired and sleepy to fight it. Thankfully, it was just one time and didn't happen again but that didn't made it less awkward for me.

When I woke up though, I found myself on my normal spot, in jiyong's arms. I think I need to buy more pillows.

I sighed and pried myself off of him. I guess my body is used to his body heat or something.

I should just forget that dream ever happened. I groaned and banged my head on the counter table.

"What's with you?" I jumped on my seat, startled by his voice. Why is he awake? I'm not yet prepared.

"You ok dee?" I moved away when he tried to check my temperature.

"What's wrong?" He frowned.

"Nothing... just had bad dream." I looked away and drank my water.

"Are you going somewhere today too?" I shook my head no.

"I plan to laze around all day so I won't be sleepy later" that's it! I never thought I'd be haply going to work on night shifts. But I'm sure it'll take my mind off of that silly dream.

"How about you? Going somewhere?" Please say yes....

"Yeah. I need to go to the company." I almost cheered when he said it.

"But I'll just be quick." No! Please. Just take alll of your time.

He quickly maneuvered to the kitchen and made breakfast as I arranged our plates. I already cooked the rice so it's all done.

Jiyong went to take a shower while I washed the dishes. I jumped to the bed as soon as I was done and stretched.

I stopped halfway though when jiyong came out from the shower, with his wet hair brushed up and someof the droplets flowing down his lean body.

I necer appreciated the placement of his tatts before and now it all looks so sexy on him. Did bom put something on the juice? But that can't be. The juice came from our fridge.

"Dee! Dara!" He snapped his fingers in front of me and I blinked rapidly

"What?" His brows arched in worry.

"Are you sure you're ok?"

"Yes sir! Nothing a good sleep can't fix." I assured him.

"Ok. If you say so. Do you need anything?" I shook my head no.

"Ok. I'll see you later then." Out of a new habit, he leaned to kiss me on my forehead as if it's the most natural thing to do.

"Uhm on second thought..." he paused on his tracks and turned to me.

"Buy me pillows. Lots of it. I'll pay you."

"But I thought I'm your pillow?" A grin made. Away into his lips.

"You're getting thinner. Your bones hurt." He scoffed

"If I gain weight it's an issue, If I lose weight, it's still an issue. Where do I place myslef?" He rolled his eyes and left.

"Don't forget my pillows!" I called out.

I slumped back down to bed and sighed, staring at the ceiling. I rolled over and screamed my lungs out.

One more month dara and a couple of weeks. It'll be over soon. I mumbled to myself.

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