Cabin 1

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I sighed as I went out of the sixth building I applied to, dragging my suitcase aimlessly to where my feet takes me.

"We'll give you a call" was short for I'm sorry but you didn't make it but we can't tell you in your face cause you might bawl your eyes out and it'll cause a scene and we might need to take you even if you're not qualified out of pity.

I tiredly slumped on the bench at the park and leaned back, covering my eyes with my arm, protecting it from the hatsh rays of the sun

"What do we do now?" I hear a lady crying.

"We will be going back to the province so we can have our house rented out." The guy answered and my ears perked up. I don't have any place to stay here and I know apartments arr expensive here. I tried looking for rooftop rooms at least but it's all taken and some are overpriced. The couple sounds like they need money, I do too but maybe they can let me rent their place at a cheaper price

"Uhm, excuse me?" I inched closer to them and they both turned to me.

"Ah, sorry, I can't help but overhear your conversation... you have a place I can rent?" Their faces lit up and nodded vigorously.

"Yes, we do! It's outside the centre but not too far. Just enough for your privacy." They smiled and I nodded

"May I know how much the rent is?" They looked at each other and leaned in to me

"You can te us how much you have. We can compromise." I bit my lips.

"I don't know..." I have atleast a million in my savings but... I didn't want to use it all. As if hearing my thoughts, theady spoke

"A million won will do. Good for three months." My eyes widened and I quickly did the math. Places outside the centre usually range from 400,000 - 600,000 ₩.

"If you're hesitant, we can show you right now and you can decide then." Looks can be deceiving, so I was cautious.

"Ok. I'll go check it out." They lead me to their old car that the engine sputters, afraid that it will all fall out in a second.

"Sorry we don't have a decent ride, but this car's been with us for a very long time, we can't seem to let it go." I faked a smiled and held on for my dear life.

Just as they said, it was outside the centre and it was indeed good if you like privacy cause you don't see any neighbors around you.

"They just developed this place and we were the first ones to buy a land and have our place." I nodded and stepped out and looked at the only cabin that is present.

"As you can see, it's like a house, good for two people, can fit three to four if you know how to decorate stuff." They lead me in and there's a small path. At the side by the door is a shoe rack, by the end of the short path is a door that lead to the shower room.

"The water runs nicely." I commented as I checked the water pressure.
At the end of the hallway is a huge space. A kitchen counter at the right side that also serves as the dining table.

The left space has a bed and drawers on the side. There's enough space to walk in or even dance into. The place looked cleaned up though, ready for a new owner. The place was cozy overall and a million won for three months is indeed cheap for a place like this.

"It's beautiful here." I whispered. I smiled as I already see myself living here for the next three months.

"I'll take it." I smiled and the lady hugged me.

"Thank you! It's hitting two birds with one stone. We'll be away and we needed the money and here you are, you can also take care of our place at the same time." I giggled.

"I'm sorry, I haven't gotten your names?"

"You can call us Mr. And Mrs. Gong. I'm Gong Minzy, and this is my husband, Gong Jongin." They looked young, I'm envious. They seem to be in their early twenties.

"I'm Dara, Sandara Park." I accepted their handshake

"Nice to meet you dara, we also have a contract here, that we can sign in but I'm aftaid we don't have enough time to get in line at a public law firm to get a notary."

"It's ok, I can have this check tomorrow morning." I assured them, minzy frowned

"But we need to get going today, if we don't make it.." her eyes watered.

"I'm sure jangu will understand mingkki-ah." Jangu? Is it their son?

"I-i need to deposit, don't I?" They nodded

"But I can stay here as soon as now?"

"Yes! Just sign the documents and you're good. It's already signed by lawyer but you can double check it with a lawyer if you want.

I read the document carefully and nodded to myself, signing the papers. They took the other copy and even photographed me holding the certificate. I wired them the money and they gave me the keys.

Mr. Jongin brought my suitcase in and they waved goodbye to the couple. I locked the door and tested the key, and it works. I nodded and locked the door, going in.

"Well, at least I have a roof over my head for the next three months. Atleast I'll die in a comfy bed and not in the streets." I laid down on the soft matress of the bed and sighed in content.

I'll have money for food the next three months won't I? I believe I'll find a job by then. With that thought, I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

It was probably late at night when the door clicked open and I felt the bed dip but I ignored it, thinking it's just a dream.

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