Cabin 19

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This chapter is dedicated NaphatKosolyudhthasa, thanks gor your upvote ♡


I just dropped dara off and was returning hom to change cars when I recieved a call from Youngbae.

"Jiyong, where are you?" My brows furrowed in confusion.

"At home. I'm just changing cars then I'll be on my way. I thought we don't have a schedule today?"

"We don't have anything public but we'll do a surprise appearance at the G-mall." I paused. That's where I dropped dara off.

"Do I need to go to the company? Or do I meet you at the mall?" He scoffed. Stupid question I know.

"Are you insane? You'll get mobbed now get your ass down here." He ended the call and I sighed, getting in to my other car.

I wanted to call dara while on the way but I figured she'll be with her friends so I decided not to interrupt.

"Bout time you get here." I was immediately surrounded by the staff and was pulled to a chair for my hair and make up.

"Dude, what's on your mind?" I was pulled away from my trance and I answered before I can stop myself

"Dara's there. I think it will be her first time seeing me on stage." I almost face-palmed but make-up noona glared at me for my movements.

"Are you worried?" I sighed. I'm not really sure.

"I don't know. She might be overwhelmed." If it was before, like a few days after we met, I would've shoved it on her face but now I'm worried and I don't know why.

"Really? It's not because you might scare her away when you're already falling for her?" Top smirked and I froze. Was it? I shook my head and scowled at him.

"What are you talking about? I just don't want her to be uncomfortable with me. I don't like it when people change how they treat me because of my celebrity status." I hope dara won't.

"True. I can relate to that." Youngbae nodded.

"Don't we all. But don't worry ji. I think dara is different." I hope so. Do I? I want her to look at me with repsect but other than that, I wish everything to be the same. Or do I?

"Alright! Hurry up, we're running late!" We lined up to the car and I'm suddenly feeling nervous.

My hand played woth my phone. Contemplating if I should text dara and give her a heads up or not.

Ya rabbit! Watch me- I sighed and deleted it.

Look at me while I- I shook my head and deleted it again.

Prepare and be amazed! I groaned and deleted again.

"Just send the damn message. You're triggering my anxiety!" I almost threw my phone and glared at top.

"Well, whatever you gotta send better send it now, we're here." I closed my phone and put it on my pocket. Maybe she's somewhere else. Maybe she won't even see me.

We were lead to the stage and fans cheers erupted as they ran towards us like horde of ants finding food. Guards immediately formed a barricade to stop them from mobbing us and I felt immense pride.

These people knows our group. It wasn't always like this. We were nobodies before too so I don't get why some are discrediting that fact.

I scanned the crowd for a familiar face but didn't find her.

"Hello everyone! We are Big... bang!" We bowed and deafening cheers.

The cheers were toning down and ine voice could be heard "Tabiii Marry Meeee!"

We looked to where it came from and I snickered at top but then our eyes met. My lips automatically grinned. I chuckled seeing her wince at the loud screams from our fans, including the girls beside her which I assumed are her friends.

The one who yelled proposing to top might be bom. To not draw any unnecessary attention to her, I looked away as we start to perform.

With her on my mind, I kept thinking I should be cool and show her this side she's never seen before.

But when I glanced at her side, I see her walking away. Top saved me when I faltered as I looked at her direction.

Where is she going? Maybe she wants to pee?

I focused on the performance and waited for her to come back. Discreetly taking a glance to where her friends were.

I frowned when she didn't come back and tried to look at the far back but I can't see her. Well she's short so maybe that's why.

I impatiently tapped on my foot, wanting the event to finish so I can text her.

I absentmindedly answered questions thrown at me and seeing my members calm and collected means I didn't screw up.

"Thank you for stopping to watch us!" My ears perked up as youngbae thanked the audience which means it's time to go!

"Byeee! Thank youuu~" I can't help but grin and waved at them. I froze a bit seeing my members reaction.

"Is it not time to go?" I whispered. Careful not to let the audience here.

"It is. But you didn't have to look like you were ready to fly out of here." Top snickered.

"I am not." But I noticed I'm already far ahead from them.

"I just wanna pee." I excused.

"Uhuh." I rolled my eyes at them as we went backstage but then my eye caught something unpleasing as the crowd thinned.

"Why are you hiding and spying on dara?" I jumped, hearing seungri's annoying voice.

"Shut up. I'm not spying anyone." I denied.

"Oh look, the guy's handsome." I scowled

"What's handsome with that? His clothes are tacky and dara's face clearly shows she's not interested." I grumbled

"And you're not spying in that matter?" He scoffed.

"Shut up and get to the car. I have ti pick her up." I walk past him and stomped to where our cars are parked. My sunglasses on so people won't see my brows furrowed.

She'll hear it from me later.

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