☆☆Chapter 24☆☆

Start from the beginning

"Your orders will be here soon," Tom started walking back inside the kitchen.

"Marinette, you okay?" Adrien noticed how she was hugging herself and looking around.

"This place just feels. . .familiar."

"Yeah," Adrien chuckled. "We came here before, remember?"

"I know, I know," Marinette sighed, taking in a large breath and letting it out. "It just feels like I've known this place way before you showed it to me. I just don't exactly remember."

Adrien bit his lip at that. "Oh." He had nothing else to say.

Soon their orders were brought to them and they dug in, enjoying the sweet taste of their pastries. As Marinette ate, she felt like she was being watched, and when she turned around she caught Tom looking away.

"So, Mr. . ." Nino looked up at Tom.

"Just call me Tom. Nobody really knows our last names, therefore we're being called by our first names."

"Why doesn't anyone know your last names?" Marinette asked, curious.

"I. . ." Tom looked at her. "We don't really tell." If you even found out our last names, you would put two and two together and figure it out. "But we don't care. Just call us by our first names."

"Okay. Do you like. . . Have any children around?" Alya asked, looking up.

Tom looked from Marinette, to Adrien, and then finally returned his attention back to Alya. "No."

Adrien looked down at the answer, feeling troubled. Finally he took in a deep breath and looked up again. I promised, and I will keep that promise!

The room was filled with more conversations, talking about random things and laughing at jokes. Soon the weather changed and it looked like it was about to rain.

"Oh, it's 3:45pm," Alya spoke, checking her phone. She checked for some messages to see if anyone texted her about Ella and Etta. She had one message from her mother, which had been sent about an hour and half ago.

☆☆2:15pm| M - Come home now☆☆


"What is it? I'm so sorry I didn't get home early. I didn't see your message any sooner," Alya quickly apologized as soon as she stepped inside the house.

The house was dead quiet, and when she looked around, no one was home.

What? Mom texted me to get home, and now no one is here? She frowned and looked around again, calling for everyone's name, but nobody answered.

Then the door opened and they all started coming inside. Alya heaved a huge sigh of relief, but she stopped being calm when she saw that Ella and Etta weren't with them.

"What happened?"

Nora sighed. "We. . . We know where Ella and Etta are, but..."

"But. . .?"

"This guy has them in his house," Marlena exclaimed. "He wants us to give him money just so he could give us back the twins, but we can't afford how much money he wants us to bring."

"Normally we would call the police, but he threatened us," Otis continued from where Marlena left off. "He said the twins are safe as long as we don't tell anyone outside of the Cèsaire family."

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