★★Chapter 19★★

Start from the beginning

"It looks amazing, Emilie. So, what about the designing competition? Have you gathered the list of people that are joining?" Gabriel looked up from his paper.

"I asked Marinette to do that," Emilie answered. "She said she would be back with it by probably tomorrow."

"Alright, I hope it's not too much for her, seeing that she's got school and everything else," But Gabriel didn't seem the tiniest bit worried after his words. "Oh well, I believe in her anyway."

"Sir, a woman came over, saying that she wants to see you," A man walked up to Gabriel and informed.

Gabriel nodded at the new information. "Okay. Let her in."

The man nodded and started walking away. Gabriel looked back at his work. "Alright, have you decided on the date we're holding the competition?"

Emilie shook her head. "Still thinking, Sir."

Gabriel chuckled. "Emilie, I told you. You don't have to call me Sir."

"But they do it."

"You know what, nevermind." Gabriel logged into his account on his computer. "I want to go home early today. I don't know why, but I just do."

Before Emilie could reply, they heard footsteps walking up to them. Gabriel looked up and Emilie turned around to see who it was.


"It's you!" Emilie widened her eyes. "What was your name again?"

The woman walked up to her. "Nathalie. You better remember it!"

Gabriel stood up from his seat. "N-Nathalie, what are you doing here?!"

"Gabriel, calm down, geez," Nathalie giggled. "I just wanted to ask you something. Lately I haven't really been getting too many jobs, so I asked myself, you know what, why not come to Gabriel?"

Seeing the sight of Nathalie made him angry; maybe the fact that she moved on so quickly to another man with children, or maybe it was because he still loved her. Heck, he couldn't even take a look at her without clenching his fists as if he was about to get into a fight.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Emilie seemed to suddenly hate Nathalie as well. "You came here to get a job?"

"Precisely," Nathalie nodded. "I heard that you became his assistant. Any chance that I can have that job as well?"

Before Gabriel could say anything, Emilie answered for him. "Sorry, there can only be two assistants, and the other assistant job is already taken."

"Oh, I don't mean that kind of assistant. Not the kind where I help you with the competition or with your work," Nathalie chuckled. "I meant your personal assistant, Gabriel. Where I help you with housework and all that at home. I heard you had a kid. I could help look after him."

Gabriel gritted his teeth. Don't tell me you forgot you gave birth to my kid! "Aren't you married?! Why do you even consider becoming another man's personal assistant?!"

"Oh Gabriel, don't tell me you read what they said online. Those words are bogus," Nathalie rolled her eyes. "I'm not married, but I am engaged."

"That's basically the same thing," Gabriel suddenly didn't care about the words that fell out of his mouth. "You two already have kids anyway."

"Gabriel, the kids are not even mine. They were adopted long before I got engaged to him."

"So you would move on to a man with kids, but you wouldn't even consider being with Adrien?!" Gabriel snapped.

"Is that what you named him?" Nathalie looked surprisedly calm. "Adrien?"

Gabriel kept his mouth shut, while Emilie stood by the corner, listening without meaning to and being uncomfortable.

"What about you, Gabriel?" Nathalie changed the subject. "How have you been doing? Have you moved on?"

Emilie clenched her fists, having an idea of what Nathalie was trying to do. Is she trying to get Gabriel to admit that he still loves her, so she can make fun of him for it? Emilie took a step forward. "Yes, he's moved on!"

"To who?"

"To me!" Emilie blurted out without thinking. "I'm his girlfriend, Nathalie!"

Gabriel and Nathalie both looked surprised, but instantly Gabriel washed off his surprised look and nodded, realizing that Emilie was only trying to help him.

"It's true. I have moved on. Besides, did you actually believe that I would still love a woman like you?!"

Nathalie seemed to look at him with a hurt look on her face, and Gabriel could almost see it in her eyes: jealousy. She was quick to replace that face with a smirk though.

"Alright then, let's not talk about this. I only came here to get a job. What do you say?"

Gabriel clenched his fists harder looking down at his desk. "Sure, you can get a job here, but there's no way you're becoming my personal assistant!"

"Alright fine, as long as I have a job." Nathalie shrugged. "I would have to get home now, but perhaps you can give me a call and we can meet up somewhere to talk about it?"

"No, we don't meet up. We'll talk over the phone," Gabriel instantly replied. "The phone number is still the same."

"Oh, you haven't changed it?" Nathalie turned around. "I've changed mine. Should I give it to you?"

"Give it to me," Emilie walked up in front of her with pen and paper. "I'm his assistant after all. I take care of all these things."

Nathalie took the pen from her. "Or maybe you're just jealous that he might still like me," She muttered.

"Oh please," Emilie rolled her eyes. "How could he anyway? We've been dating for. . . 3 years, and he's never mentioned your name besides the time he told me that you left him! He says he has nothing to do with you!"

"3 years?" Nathalie looked a bit surprised. "I only dated Austin for 2 years before he proposed to me."

"Wait what?! A-Austin?!" Emilie widened her eyes at the mention of the name, but Nathalie didn't say anything else as she walked away.

"Is everything okay, Emilie?"

Emilie turned back to Gabriel. "No. . . Nothing's wrong, Sir. Can I just. . . Have a little break."


"Thank you," Emilie quickly handed him the paper with Nathalie's phone number on it, before she headed to the bathroom.


Worst Count: 1643 (including this)
- Edited -

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