(Jikook) Artist pt.7

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I know people are wanting smut for this but I'm just not feeling writing smut lately. Just not my thing right now, I try and it just doesn't happen and I don't want to write something shitty.

*Jungkook POV*

"Mum! Hi, it's so good to see you" I laughed and pulled her in for a hug. I brushed my hand through my hair to make sure it looked decent but chuckled to myself when I saw Jimins. I discreetly fixed it for him which made him blush and hide behind me a little "this is Jimin" I told my mum and noticed her eyebrow raise slightly.

I could see her making all the connections in her head, the fact that both of us messed up hair, flushed cheeks, kiss bitten lips and quickly thrown on clothes. She put all of her uncomfort aside, smiled and greeted Jimin nicely.

"It's lovely to meet you" she smiled

"Nice to meet you too"Jimin smiled shyly "Do you want a drink? Coffee? Tea?"

"I'm okay thank you"

Once she had settled down and she had caught up with me she looked at Jimin with a stern look. I could practically feel the fear radiating off him and he, what I think, unconsciously moved closer to me.

"So are you dating my son or just fucking him? If it's the latter I would rather you didn't waste his time when he could be out meeting the love of his life"

"I, uhm I- kook..." he whispered at the end and looked at me. I kissed his forehead and nodded to let him know I'll do all the talking

"Honestly mum, I think Jimin could be the love of my life"

"Oh really?" She asked with a scoff

"Yeah. We've been dating for a few weeks so it's still on the down low but I've never known anyone so perfect for me"

"You're sure?"

"I am. Jimin means the world to me"

"If it's only been a few weeks how can you be so sure?" She asked, which is a fair question. By now Jimin had completely hid behind me and had his arms around my waist. I knew he would be feeling very vulnerable by now. I could feel his fast paced breathing against my back and his soft little pants of fear.

"We've been friends for a long time. Years. It's only recently we've realised that it's something a bit more than just friends. I know Jimin like the back of my hand and I know he's right for me"

"Does Jimin not have a voice for himself? I want to hear how he thinks about my only son, my only child"

"He's just very shy around new people. Takes him a few times to meet someone before he is comfortable"

"I don't care, I want to speak to him" she demanded and Jimins arms tightened and fingers grabbed onto my T-shirt. I knew he would be freaking out a lot, probably also because he is feeling a sub like.

"Mum please... next time. I promise there will be a next time. Just today, let him figure you and this whole situation out in his own pace" I held onto Jimins hand as he was still behind me and held it to my chest. My mum watched as our fingers locked together as she nodded, unwillingly mind you, and agreed.

"Fine" she huffed "can I at least see his face? I want to get a good look of the person my son thinks is the love of his life"

I twisted my body a little so I could see Jimin myself. He was very flustered and red but as soon as he caught my eye I knew he could tell everything was going to be okay. I'd never let him get hurt.

I pulled him round so he was next to me. He still tucked up close to me but turned his head so my mum could look at him. She tried her best to look non-threatening and intimidating.

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