(Jikook) Alone

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*Jungkook POV*

Watching Jimin dancing through the studio door always makes me happy. He never notices I'm there meaning he is dancing from his heart.

It's my happiest time, to just watch Jimin. It's no secret that I like him. Everyone knows. Just not Jimin.

Today was different though. He seems angry. It's not his normal flawless moves. He's rigid and... angry. That's the only way to describe it.

Even when I walked through the door he didn't stop. Didn't change his pace. Didn't change his emotion.

The song playing was something about not needing love or some shit. I frowned and looked at the song title on his phone but saw a message that hadn't been opened yet.


Hey, so, I didn't want to do this over text but we aren't going to see each other for a while. I think we should call things off. You're great and everything... we just do-

I couldn't see the rest of the message since it was only a preview of it. I understand why he's angry now though.

We all knew he was in a relationship, but because of our schedules he never got time to see her properly. She's also an idol, but he never told us who she is. Said he likes the secrecy of a private life.

I looked back at him again and new he had noticed me as he was just stood there with his arms over his face and sobbing softly.

I quickly ran over to him and pulled him in for a hug. He wrapped his arms around me and sobbed harder. I stroked through his hair and shushed him gently.

"Why am I never good enough?"

"Don't talk like that"

"They always leave. Why? Why do I always end up alone?"

"I don't know. People just don't realise how good they have it with you sometimes. She's an idiot for leaving you. Look at you! You're so good looking. So strong. She's an idiot"

"It's a He..." he muttered under his breath. I heard him loud and clear though.


"It's a He... not a she. I was dating a guy"

"Oh. Okay. Why did you never say? You know I'm openly gay so you know we wouldn't have judged you"

"I don't know. Guess I'm still dealing with it myself. I've always dated girls until this one"

"Can I know who it was?"

"Not yet" he smiled and looked at me in the mirror "talking about him will just make me sad again and I'm not ready to deal with the emotions yet"

"Okay. Do you want to go back to dancing?"

"Will you stay with me?"

"Sure" I smiled and tickled his ribs until he laughed and ran away so he could put the music back on.

For the next few hours I just watched Jimin loose himself with dance. Occasionally he would sit and talk for a bit to get his breath back, but for the most part I would be sat in awe watching him move around the room.


"Are you going to tell him you like him?" Namjoon asked as he spun round in his studio chair to face me.

I told him about last night, knowing he is the one person who won't blab to someone else. I know I shouldn't have told Jimin's business to someone else but I need someone to talk to about it all.

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