(Jikook) Alone pt.2

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*Jimin POV*

"Have you not realised that I'm so massively in love with you?"

"What?" I asked and stopped walking to look at him. He took a couple more steps in front before stopping as well

"Just that how could you not realise he's so massively in love with you" he smiled and ran his fingers through his hair.

"Oh. Uhm. I'm not sure. It's hard to see when we don't see each other all the time. Maybe if I saw him a lot I would have got the vibe a little" I replied and watched as he started walking away.

It took me a few seconds to follow after him. I just watched as he walked further and further away from me.

He definitely said he is in love with me. He did. I know he did. There's no way I misheard that. The way his face and voice changed as he said it. That wouldn't have happened if he was talking about Yugyeom.

I quickly chased after him and noticed the smile on his face when he looked at me briefly.

"Come on slow coach. I'm tired and want to get home" he smiled again

"Sorry..." I smiled and decided to forget about what I think I heard.

The next morning I was awake early, that early that it was still dark and no birds were chirping, since I was meeting Yugyeom. We decided to get on the road earlier so there would be less chance of being seen and the roads would be quieter.

As I walked through the living room I noticed the tv was on still. I went to switch it off but saw Jungkook under a blanket and fast asleep. I hesitated for a second, eventually deciding i need to get him into his bed, knowing he will only complain about a stiff back if I don't.

I sat next to him and pulled the covers off his body, feeling the need to get in and cuddle him as the warmth hit me.

"Kook, wake up. Let's get you in bed" I spoke softly and brushed his hair from his face

"Cuddle" he grumbled and tried to pull me into his arms

"No. You need to get in bed" I held his wrist and attempted to pull him up, making him smile when he realised I didn't have the strength to lift his weight.

"5 minutes"

"Fine. If you get in bed first"

"Deal" he yawned and stretched his body out before standing up.

As soon as he got under his covers he pulled my wrist and tucked me into his body.

"You're a good cuddle" he whispered


"Because you're little and warm" he chuckled and settled into his covers even more

"Shut up. You only have 4 minutes left so make the most of it"

"Just sleep in here"

"I'm going out"

"Oh. Where?"

"To meet Yugyeom" I whispered and could swear I felt his arms stiffen around me

"Where you going?"

"To his dorms. It's only him in today so it's good timing"

"Ah right. Well be careful"

"Always am Kook" I sighed and let him have a few more minutes

When I could feel he fell asleep again I slowly moved out of his arms and made my way out the house.

I saw Yugyeoms car waiting for me a few yards away, flashing his lights to signal it was actually him. I jogged over and climbed into the passenger seat, smiling at him softly as he started driving away.

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