(Jikook) Torn

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One of the longest things I've written in a WHILE

*Jimin POV*

A year ago my whole life was ripped to shreds.

My precious boyfriend went missing.

No one has seen or heard anything from him since.

He left for work like normal one morning and didn't come home ever again.

I know he didn't just walk out on me as all his stuff was still there, the morning I last saw him he kissed me so soft and tenderly, fucked me slow and deep... nothing was out of the ordinary.

But when he didn't come home all my protective instincts kicked in. I rang everyone we knew, begging for them to let me know if they see him anywhere.

When I rang the police they told me to call back when he had been missing for at 24 hours which is ridiculous. He's missing now... if I wait an hour he could be dead.

The following week was horrendous. Every night I was out searching for him as soon as I got home from work. When I was in work I was constantly checking my phone for an update on anything. Everyone knew my situation though so they didn't get angry when I wasn't doing any work. They all knew how much I loved Jungkook.

6 months ago I was told by the police that they were starting to bring the case to a close. After an intensive search everywhere there was still no sign of him anywhere. They tried to hint that it was because he didn't want to be found and that he had in fact left me, but I know Jungkook. If he wanted to leave me he wouldn't be a coward about it. He would talk to me first. He would try and fix things.

My best friends have been my everything the past year. Everyday one of them stay with me since they know I will just get myself into a downward spiral if I'm alone. Once a week we all get together and have a big meal, talk about anything other than what is always going through my mind and they do everything they can to make me smile.

Even though the police have given up, we haven't. We're always searching for him. Always thinking of new ways to find our Kook.

Of a night is the worst. Even though I'm always falling asleep in someone's arms, it's never Jungkook. I dream about him all the time which only makes me even more sad the next morning when I realise he isn't actually with me, that he isn't actually in the safety of our home and my arms.

I want nothing more than to kiss him again, to tell him I love him, to brush his hair, fix his tie, wipe the crumbs from his mouth when he's in a rush of a morning.

"You know we all love you right Jimin?" Namjoon smiled as we settled in for the night

"I know. I love you guys as well. Why did you tell me that?" I smiled

"Seems like we haven't told you for a while. Kind of seemed like you needed to hear it tonight"

"It does?"

"Yeah. We know it's been a year today. We wondered if you were going to mention it or not"

"Oh... I didn't want to burden you all with me being sad again"

"You're never a burden. All we want is for you to be happy. I'm sure one day we will find him"

"The police rang me the other day..."

"Oh yeah? Saying what?"

"They thought they had a sighting of him, but it turned out that it was just someone who looked weirdly like him. They did a DNA test to be sure. It felt weird to look at someone who looks so much like him"

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