(Jikook) Ex

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*Jimin POV*

I stormed away from Jungkook, not allowing myself a second to stop and sort things out with him straight away. He knows that when we argue I don't back down unless I really know I'm in the wrong

I went into Taes room and climbed under his covers with him. He looked at me, sighed then pulled me in for a cuddle.

"What did you argue about this time?"

"Don't want to talk about it"

"You know it makes you feel better when you do though"

"I hate him"

"No you don't. You say this every time. It's normal for you to argue, you spend every second of everyday together, if you didn't argue I'd be concerned"

"I do hate him"

"Okay. Well tell me what's happened and I'll decide if it's worth hating him over" he sighed and tightened his arms around me

"You'll just tell me it's not worth it though"

"Then go make it right with him"

"No" I pouted "he can come to me"

"Please don't play this game with each other"

"Too late" I replied and tucked my face into his shoulder, sending the signal that I don't want to talk

"I don't care. Go and make this right with him or you don't get to sulk in here"

"Fine... I'll go to my room then" I huffed and walked out of his room. I heard him shout after me since his plan didn't work but I just ignored him.

When I got to my room I huffed and pulled my hoodie off and stumbled into my bed, not realising Jungkook was sat there waiting for me. I tried to walk away from him again but he quickly stood up and wrapped his arms around me.

"Let go of me"

"No. Let's fix this now"


"Please. Jimin I'm sorry for what I said. I didn't think before I spoke. Please"

"Do you even know what you did that upset me?" I asked and turned to look at him. I could see how distressed he was and felt my heart break a little.

"Of course I do"


"I said that I still think my ex is good looking when he came to the studio for a bit" he whispered and adjusted his hold on me

"No... that's not what it was. You're allowed to think your ex is good looking still. It's normal, you don't just stop thinking someone you were with for almost a year is attractive"

"Wha- then what did I do?" He looked at me desperately and pulled me closer

"You ignored me" I sighed and noticed how he was confused "When he came to the studio it was like I wasn't even there. I find it hard enough for him to be part of the staff but for you to then ignore me... it hurt Kook. I was trying to ask you to help me with the choreo, to watch me to make sure I was doing it perfect, to sit and have a five minute breather with me before we carried on... but when I would speak to you it was like I didn't exist. You were answering with things that didn't even make sense to what I was asking, you would just completely ignore me and at one point you actually pushed me to the side so you could speak to him"

"Seriously? Jimin I'm so sorry. I'm so fucking sorry. What the fuck" he mumbled and I could see he was trying to hold back his tears

"It just hurt. I know there's nothing going on with you both, I know you've been broken up for nearly a year, but I also know you've still got a little feelings for him. It hurts to know that. You've got my whole heart and sometimes it just feels like I've got 99.9999% of yours. Most of the time it's fine and I don't think about it, but like today... I saw just how much he can get you to do anything for him. What would you do if he wanted to get back together?"

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