(Jikook) Alone pt.3

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*Jimin POV*

"We need to talk" I demanded as I walked into Jungkooks room.

He was laying on his bed with a headphone in and a book. He looked at me over the top of it and pulled his headphone out.

"Sure. Okay what's up?" He closed his book and sat up so he was cross legged

"You're in love with me"

"What?" He looked at me with wide eyes.

"You said you're in love with me. I had Namjoon confirm it. I know you've been going to him about it all. You're fucking in love with me. Do you know how much this is messing up my head?" I could feel my anger unnecessarily building

"I didn't ask to feel this way. This kind of shit just happens" he stood up and walked over to me, obviously having to look down a little since I'm a few inches shorter

"You don't get to just tell people you love them. You can't just tell me you love me! What am I supposed to do with that?"

"Nothing. I don't expect you to do anything" he sighed and grabbed onto his hair "I just can't feel this way and not tell someone"

"Why did you have to tell me though?"

"I didn't mean to... I really didn't. It just kind of slipped out before I could stop it. As soon as the words left my lips I knew I shouldn't have said it"

"You don't have the right to mess with my emotions like that!"

"Mess with your emotions?! Jimin are you fucking serious? Mess with your emotions?! Do you not realise how you have been with me? Being in a relationship with Yugyeom, one of my best friends might I add, then you confirm that I do actually love you and THEN continue to cuddle and flirt with me. Tell me I'm handsome and that I always take good care of you" He shouted, I could see how angry and hurt he was

"Kook, I-I, I-"

"You can't say I don't have the right to mess with your emotions when you are the one being a dick in all of this. You know I'm in love with you and you use that when you want something from me, when you need to feel comfort from someone when Yugyeom isn't around. I can't do it anymore Jimin. I really can't. Until you decide who you want, I can't do this"

"What do you mean? Are you just not going to talk to me?"

"If it was high school then maybe" he laughed through his tears I hadn't noticed had fell until now. He dried his face the best he could but it was useless since he was just crying too hard "you know you're the top of my list when it comes to priorities... I really mean that. I just can't deal with having to pretend like I support you and Yugyeom.. truth it, I really don't. I hate it. I hate it when I hear you leave really early. I hate feeling you slip out of my arms when you think I'm asleep to talk on the phone with him. I can't pretend like I don't have an issue anymore. I'm so in love with you but it just hurts too much at the minute.

It's shit, it's so shit. But I can't be around you and not want to wrap you up and look after you and kiss you. All I want to do is keep you safe and make you feel loved. I can't do it Jimin. I-I..." he stopped his sentence and took a deep breath, trying to calm his breathing, his cheeks were wet with tears, eyes red and puffy and lips and nose red.

He pulled me closer to him and wiped my own tears away with his sleeve. His tears didn't stop at all though. I watched as one ran down his cheek, jawline and neck before getting caught on the neck of his shirt and soaking into the fabric.

"You can't be angry at me for being in love with you" he whispered

"That's not why I'm angry..."

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