(Jikook) Teach me pt.3

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It ended up taking around a month for me to feel completely confident in the bedroom. Meaning Hoseok was round quite a bit. Every time he was in our apartment I could see Jimin getting angrier, I would catch him burning holes into Hoseoks head. When he saw that I noticed he would just smile and look away.

When it was just me and Jimin he was extra clingy with me. He would wrap his arms around my leg or arm. Sometimes completely cuddling into me. One time he let himself get so comfortable in my arms he slept there all night. He woke up full of apologies and that he shouldn't have done that since I'm dating Hoseok but I just told him to shut up and cuddle me again.

Hoseoks convinced me to make a move on Jimin. He said that I know everything I need to, to be able to blow his socks off. Obviously laughing at the pun he made.

Jimin was currently cooking in the kitchen with his back to me, meaning he was not expecting and vulnerable.

I looked down at my hands, weaving the silk blindfold through my fingers. I could see myself shaking a little, knowing that this could go horribly wrong if Hoseok, and me have been reading Jimin all wrong.

I shook my thoughts away and walked  over to Jimin. I placed the blindfold over his eyes, noticing the way his body tensed and grip around the knife he was chopping with got tighter. Once the blindfold was secure I pulled his headphones out and kissed down the side of his neck.

"Who the fuck is this?" He whispered shakily, shifting his hold on the knife

"It's me... your Kookie"

"Oh thank god" he giggled softly and dropped the knife. He stretched his neck out for me a little and locked his fingers around mine "What are you doing?"

"Showing you that our bodies do work together. Showing you that you shouldn't be with someone else ever again"

"But Hoseok..."

"Not dating. Never were. We're just friends, he's been teaching me everything I need to know. Let me show you"

"I'm sorry for everything I said. You were perfect. I was too harsh on you. No one has ever been as gentle and loving as you"

"Let's talk later. For now... I need you to put all your trust in me"

"I always do" he giggled and turned to kiss me and jump into my arms.

Since he was blindfolded he yelped when I suddenly dropped him on my bed. He giggled and got himself comfortable as I stripped him, and myself. I climbed over him and kissed down his neck and chest, smirking when he locked his fingers in my hair.



"Why didn't you tell me you and Hoseok weren't dating?"

"I wanted to see if you would get jealous. Wanted to make sure I wasn't reading it wrong. It was actually him who made me realise you were being jealous"

"I'm not jealous"

"You are and I love that you are because I'm jealous every time you bring someone round here. Imagine how I felt watching you be all over Ryan. Then you go and tell me he was better than me, and that only our personalities work together. Now look at you"

"I'm so sorry"

"Prove it" I tested him and smiled when he pulled me up and kissed me.


I laughed as Jimin dropped his head to my chest, breathing heavy and fingers curling around the sheets still. I ran a comforting hand through his hair as he came down from his high.

I looked up and me and smiled with a blush, slowly moving to lay down in my arms.

"As much as I hate Hoseok, I love him for teaching you all of that. Things I've never even experienced, you did with such confidence and expertise. Fuck me kook... I could do that 20 times a day"

"I think it'd kill you if we did it 20 times a day min"

"What's a better way to die than an orgasm induced one?"

"Shut up and kiss me"

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