(Jikook) Cravings pt.6~

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Waking up with Kook next to me was more than I could have imagined. He was so warm and sleepy. His body seemed to naturally curl into mine no matter what position we were in. His face was peaceful and calm, but still as handsome as when he's awake and has his stern, business man face on.

"Stop looking at me and cuddle some more"

"Sorry" I laughed and moved closer to him, kissing his forehead as he got settled in my arms again "how did you sleep?"

"Amazing. I slept so well. I woke up a few times but I fell asleep straight away when I did"


I felt refreshed. I felt like I had a new lease of life. Waking up with his smell right next to me was invigorating. His arms had a death grip on me as he bathed himself in the sleepy warmth we were in.

"Why do you have to smell so good?" I chuckled to myself and buried my nose into his hair. He sighed with content and cuddled into me a little more, pretty much laying on top of me and kissed my neck softly.

"I'm glad that you think I smell so good"

"Driving me crazy"

"Is it too hard for you? To be around me?"

"No. I can manage, I'd rather struggle a little and know you're safe than for you to be alone and scared in your apartment. You're mine now. I'm keeping you forever"

"Okay" he laughed and leaned up on an elbow to look at me "seriously though... thank you for helping me last night"

"It's okay. Trust me, it's more than okay. I love the fact that you came to me when you needed to feel safe"

"Good. So... when are you going to drink from me? Why didn't you last night?"

"I want to when I know for sure Hobi and Joon are around so they can step in if they need to. I don't want to risk hurting you... I've never done it before so I don't know what to expect"

"Okay. Well I'm ready to whenever you are"

I just nodded and pulled him in for a kiss. After we kissed last night for the first time, we didn't want to stop. I had him pressing kisses into me all night until he fell asleep, occasionally waking up slightly in the night, quickly kissing my cheek or lips and tucking himself back into me.


Later that night we were back in my bedroom. Kook stayed with me all day and night, which I really didn't mind at all but his smell is just so tempting.

"Do you really mean it?" I asked him as he was watching tv

"Mean what?"

"That I can drink from you?"

"Of course I do! I wouldn't have said it otherwise" he moved to straddle my hips and pull me so I was sat up "drink from me Jimin. Give your body what it needs"


"Please. Don't make me beg... that would just be embarrassing for me" he smiled and leaned in to kiss me again "I trust you"

"Can I at least check Hobi and Joon are in?"

"Okay" he nodded and moved so I could stand up. I was about the leave my room until my phone binged.

Joon: We're here. We're listening to make sure you don't slip up. Just remember what we told you about finding the right spot on his neck

"Oh. Well I guess you don't need to go find them anymore. There's nothing stopping you" he whispered as he stood behind me, reading the message over my shoulder

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