(Jikook) Care

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*Jungkook POV*

Jimin is sick and he's making sure we all know it. He loves the extra bit of attention he gets from us all so he's always sure to mope a little bit more than normal.

He was currently cuddled into Jin having a little nap since we all had the night off, although Yoongi and Namjoon wanted to carry on working on new songs.

Jin tucked a blanket over Jimin as he pulled him in closer for a hug. We take it in turns for cuddles him to allow us all to get the feeling back in our arms.

Jimin whined a little as he woke up from his nap but immediately smiled when he felt the warmth around him.

"How are you feeling?"

"Awful. There's so much pressure in my nose and throat. Whenever I try and breath I can't..."

"You'll be back to normal in a few days" Jin comforted him "I'll make you some vegetable tofu soup later on. It'll sort you out"

"Make it spicy please"

"Of course" Jin smiled and pulled Jimin in closer again.

I've been kind of dating Jimin for a few months. We haven't made anything official but we haven't kept it a secret that we like each other. Everyone was shocked at first since being gay in Korea is still very taboo, it's not talked about very often, but they came round to the idea pretty quick.

"You go and make his soup" I mumbled and walked over to them "I'll take over"

"Yeah, okay" Jin nodded and slowly moved so I could take his place. Jimin smiled when he felt my body under him instead and gently kissed my neck

"Finally" he whispered and cuddled into me properly, the kind of cuddle he wouldn't give anyone else, the kind where it makes you feel like the only people in the world.

He pulled the blanket around us tighter so only his eyes were peaking out. He was in and out of sleep as we carried on watching the film. His body would occasionally twitch as he fell into another sleep, with one time him actually jumping out in fright from the fear of falling.

"It's okay babe. Go back to sleep, let your body rest"

He nodded and tucked his face into my neck with his arms tight around me.

Half an hour later he was sat on the floor with a big bowl of soup and bread. Jin petted his hair before he sat back down and let Jimin enjoy his food. Before he took a bite he pulled me so I was sitting on the floor with him. He positioned himself between my legs and pulled me up so my chest was against his back. I laughed quietly and wrapped the blanket around the both of us to keep him warm.

I kissed the side of his neck and top of his shoulder as he carried on eating. He occasionally turned his head and pecked my lips but I knew he appreciated the neck kisses more at the moment.

"You'll get sick as well if you keep kissing me" he giggled

"I don't care" I whispered and pulled him into my arms properly as soon as I saw him take his last bite "let's go to bed so you can nap properly"

"Okay" he nodded and stood up slowly "thank you for the food" he smiled and Jin who nodded and smiled

"Get better soon Min" everyone that was in the room mumbled in a mess of voices as we left them

"Thanks" he smiled and took my hand

When we got into bed Jimin curled himself into me and sighed happily. I stroked his hair and kissed his forehead gently.

"Sleep beautiful"

"I don't want you to be bored"

"I won't be. I'll play my games or something. You stay cuddled up to me so you're warm and comfortable and I'll be just fine. I have my games, a book, headphones. I'm sorted" I smiled cheekily at him and saw him roll his eyes as he shuffled closer to me.

"Thank you for caring so much"

"Anytime. You know I care for you more than anyone else"

"Is that a secret way of saying you love me more than anyone else" he smirked

We've never said anything more than that we are into each other, we hint and tease each other with it all the time but we've never said it more seriously than a passing joke.

"Can't be. You never make me food like Hoseok does" I smirked and saw him roll his eyes again

"Don't stop cuddling me until I wake up"

"Okay... I love you" I said at the end

"You do?" He asked with wide eyes as he pulled away "kook... please don't be joking, I love you too"

"Oh. Jimin... I'm sorry. I guess my sarcasm didn't come across properly then... shit I-"

"Oh, no it's cool. Whatever" he half smiled and rolled over so he was no longer cuddling me.


"It's okay kook. I'm going to sleep, you don't have to stay if you don't want to"

"Do you think I'm being serious? Jimin, how could I ever not love you. I was joking. Of course I love you"

"Don't touch me"

I knew he was being stroppy with me and that I had taken it too far. He never tells me to leave him unless he's angry at me.

I pulled him round so he was on his back and noticed he was crying a little. My heart broke at the sight and I couldn't stop myself from leaving kisses all over his face.

"Baby... baby please don't be angry with me. I didn't think you would get upset. Please. You know I love you so much. I'm sorry. I'll never make a joke ever again if you want"

"How was I supposed to know you weren't joking... we've never said it before and when I say it back to you, you make me feel like an idiot"

"I fucked it and I know I did but please know I love you so fucking much. Please don't be upset with me. I fucked our confessions up and I hate myself right now but please know I love you so much, so so much"

"Woah... I mean I love you but don't you think it's a bit extreme to say it that intensely?"


"Well... I think this is getting a bit serious too fast"

"Oh, sorry. Okay sure, we can take a few steps back"

"You idiot. I love you so fucking much. I don't want to take a few steps back at all. I was just getting you back... and I can't believe you fell for it"

"I hate you"

"I hate you too" he giggled and tucked himself back into me

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