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" he claimed to be Madara huh?" Hashirama sighed deeply. "I see..."

"Obito wasn't a bad kid from what Itachi described." Arisu trailed off, "but still...he killed my father. And framed the Uchiha for the Nine tails. Do you have any idea what his or Madara's goal was?"

Hashirama nodded.

"Right before he defected from Konoha he mentioned a stone tablet passed down through his family which depicts a concept," Hashirama explained, "the Eternal Tsukiyomi also known as the Eye of the Moon plan. A genjutsu powerful enough to enslave the whole world."

"A twisted a evil thing." Scoffed Tobirama, "seems fitting that he'd try it."

"Peace Tobirama." Hashirama scolded, "Madara genuinely believed he was right and that his belief of peace was true. And that's what led him to what we all remember."

Arisu nodded slowly. How was she supposed to feel about discovering that her father's murderer was just some misdirected boy that had been brainwashed by Madara Uchiha?

"I suggest we stay one step ahead of them." Tobirama nodded, "the organization...the Akatsuki target the tailed beast correct? Then the most efficient answer is to insure their safety."

"I wonder if holding a Kage summit would suffice where we can discuss peace treaties." Hashirama asked.

Arisu stared at him pointedly.

"Peace treaties are only worth as much as the paper their written on and rarely last." Arisu sighed, "but if we come to a mutual understanding...or in this case enemy then perhaps it could work."

"The enemy of my enemy is my friend." Spoke up Tobirama, "in this case the Akatsuki is the enemy."

"And Orochimaru. I'm sure the Tsuchiikage would love some revenge for the children that snake kidnapped and experimented on." Arisu smirked.

"But first I have some loose ends to tie up."


"Sasuke. Remember what your goal is. Do not let anyone get in the way. Not Konoha not Naruto..." Kabuto smirked, "and even your beloved Hokage. If you do then I'll have no choice but to kill her myse-!"

Sasuke slammed Kabuto's throat against the wall.

"Threaten her like that and I'll kill you in the most painful way possible." Sasuke snarled as his sharingan blazed, "No one touches her. Got it?"

"!" Kabuto gasped as he fought for breath.


"Y...y.-yes!" Kabuto groaned as Sasuke released him.

"Glad that we've come to a mutual agreement." Sasuke smirked, "Let's go."


"Hokage-sama. You mustn't go on that mission. It is far too dangerous." Danzo frowned, "Your great grandfather would have wanted me to keep you safe-!"

"I need no caregiver Shimura-san." Arisu said sternly, "I know what I'm doing. I'll kill anyone who endangers Konohagakure myself."

Danzo smirked. He could work with that.

They would make great partners...

If only Arisu had actually intended to cooperate in the first place.

"I'm going to kill Orochimaru or at least foil his plans." She explained, "and perhaps gather some useful information."

"And you will not let me stop you?" Asked Danzo.

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