The Lesson

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Part of her job was to visit the academy. It's not that Arisu hated kids it's just that well...she didn't particularly like them either.

But it was her job so...yay. A day spent with kids.

Today was the day she'd visit the academy, tomorrow was her speech in front of the entire village! It was tradition for each new Hokage to declare their promises to the village. What promises? Well, first was the promise she'd protect Konoha and uphold the laws...this one was just for show, and that she'd prioritize her citizens.

Then, she'd have to basically lecture the whole village on at least one thing. A moral thing...

Arisu wasn't sure how to feel about it.

No one-besides a select few-had seen her as Hokage before. What would they say?

But first things first, she had to go visit some brats.


"Class, we have a very special visitor." Iruka smiled, "the Hokage has decided to spare some time and visit us."

Whispers erupted immediately.

"But no one has ever seen the Hokage before?"

"This is soooo cool!"

"What a drag."

And then, there was Konohamaru who was sitting as straight as a ruler.

'This person...this person is the one who replaced Grandpa...' he thought trembling slightly.

"I heard he killed Orochimaru too...!"

"AHEM!" Iruka coughed loudly. "Remember to be respectful and on your best behaviour."

Arisu mentally shrunk outside the classroom door. What to do? What to say?

This was the next generation of Konoha nin after all.

"That's good enough Iruka." Arisu smiled kindly as she walked in. "Hello there. I'm Arisu, your Hokage."

The class fell silent.

"You?!" Konohamaru exclaimed incredulously.

"But you're just a kid!"

"How can she be the Hokage?"

"There must be a mistake Sensei..."

Arisu sighed, "then how about I show you guys a cool jutsu to prove it?"

That was an offer they couldn't refuse.



"Now this is a jutsu that the Second Hokage invented," informed Arisu, "He's my great grandfather."

She closed her eyes and concentrated.

Like her great grandfather she could use water style even without flowing water present.

"Water style: water severing wave!" Arisu called as she shot water out of her mouth at a high velocity.

"Whoa!" The class cheered.

Konohagakure scoffed, "yeah yeah that's great and all but how does that prove you're the Hokage? You could be someone powerful pretending."

"Smart kid." Smirked Arisu, "well what do you think? If you were me how would you convince people you were the Hokage?"

Konohamaru blinked, "D-duh...? Me?"

Then he cleared his throat.

"I'd get lots of important people to verify my claim." He said like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

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