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"Shira. I think it is time to formally introduce you to the rest of the Akatsuki." Obito's voice boomed ominously.

Shira glanced at him in a seemingly bored fashion. "As you wish, Madara."

Their fates would soon be was only a matter of time.


"This is the newest member of the Akatsuki." Pein--Madara's pathetic puppet's voice called from a dark shadow. Shira took this as her cue and bowed towards the other flickering silhouettes. Respectfully, but never submissively.

"Greetings." She bowed, "I am Uchiha Shira."

"Another?!" A voice whined, "these damn Uchiha are going to soil my art, yeah!"

"Itachi...didn't you kill all the Uchiha?"

"Hn. I'm not as weak as the rest of my pathetic clan." Shira interrupted with a scoff, her eyes blazing red. "The strong live and the weak clan was so pitiful to have been crushed so easily. They were weak."

Her eyes glanced towards the familiar outline of Itachi who feigned indifference.

"That's cold, yeah..." One of the silhouettes murmured quietly though none paid any mind.

Enemies...they were allies under the pretence of enemies.

They'd have to hide their connection carefully.

"Itachi Uchiha...slayer of kin." She drawled, "Hmph. Nothing impressive." Shira mocked.


The two eyed each other.

"I will defeat you." She declared decidedly, "and show you the true power of the Uchiha."

"Do what you want, I will not be easily defeated." A soothingly smooth voice retorted immediately, "I warn not overestimate yourself."

She heard his warning loud and clear but said nothing as the connections flickered out.

Shira hiraishined away.


Arisu couldn't believe her eyes.


His eyes softened, "I'm back."

A million emotions and words swirled through her mind though very few intelligent words left her mouth.

"You Baka!" She yelled finally as she punched him in the chest.

"I know..." he groaned, feeling her punch, "I'm sorry Arisu..."

"Why did you come back?" Arisu growled. "You traitor!"

This must've been some cruel joke.

"Explain yourself carefully Uchiha." Arisu spat, "or I will destroy you on the spot." She readied her sword.

Sasuke knew somehow that her threat wasn't empty. He eyed her sword and mentally noted how close it was to his neck.

"I thought a bit about my future and I couldn't think of a future without you." Sasuke began hesitantly, glancing nervously into her magenta eyes. He thought back to the mysterious Shira and her offer. "And...I want to know the truth."

About Konoha.

About the Uchiha.

About the massacre.

Arisu's eyes widened.

Her arms dropped to her sides.

Someone must've let loose the secret of the Uchiha Massacre. They must've revealed that it wasn't at all as it seemed. Itachi? No...he'd never. The masked man?! Then there must be an ulterior motive.

"Alright." She conceded warily, "fine."


"but'll have to face Naruto." She compromised. "And Sakura...and Kakashi!" She added with a slight bitterness.

He cringed.

"He's been searching for you Sasuke. He's been chasing you for years!" Arisu reasoned, "I will show you the truth, but only if you face them's the least you can do for the hell you put us through!" She finished with a scowl.


Arisu glared at Sasuke pointedly before flinching as he embraced her. Her sword fell to the ground with a soft clatter.

"I'm sorry Arisu." He whispered, "I promise...I'll make it up to you."

She sniffled and slowly returned the embrace.

"You better."

From afar a single tear fell from Shira's eye.

"Goodbye Sasuke," She whispered. "I will always love you."

Sasuke died for her. He sacrificed everything...including his own vengeance to save her so she could live a long life.

Arisu would do the same for him.

Last time she failed, terribly so, she allowed Konoha to be destroyed and her lover to die...

This time things would be different.

This was her Redemption.


I'm so sorry this was a really short chapter! I might come back and change and add a few things. Some readers have been wondering if timetravel-Arisu might get together with Itachi or even Haku. What do you guys think should happen?

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2020 ⏰

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