Ripple Effect

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Every action on a timeline matters. Whether it is the exact time a tree decides to shed its leaves or when a human soul and body are conceived...everything is predestined. Predestined doesn't mean it will happen was it will happen eventually in this or another timeline.

Loss is inevitable.

Gain is achievable.

Indecisiveness that lags for a mere moment can decide the outcome of fate.

For Asuma it was the moment Arisu decided to let him and his team go...

For Sasuke, it was the moment he decided he couldn't let Arisu go. Not yet. Not ever.

The Raven-haired boy glanced up in disinterest. Kabuto was making a fool out of himself. Did that snake really believe he would listen to a single word he said?

"-espect Lord Orochimaru!"

"Hn." The Uchiha grunted as he turned away, "I'll be back in three days."

"You can't just leave!" Kabuto growled, "Lord Orochimaru is—!"

Kabuto was left to speak only to himself. The Uchiha had already left.

He scowled, "Such impudence..." he hissed as he cursed the sharingan wielder's name.

Elsewhere, Sasuke gracefully leaped from tree to tree. Running with such elegance and speed that if not with trained ears and eyes, the sight of the Uchiha in the treetops would surely be missed.

Arisu the Uchiha thought almost wistfully. He continued running until he reached a firm halt by a cliff.

Am I strong enough to protect you? He asked himself as he formed a flurry of handsigns and summoned a great hawk.

"You need something?" Arisu asked bringing Sasuke out of his thoughts. He blinked, clicked his tongue and looked away with a scoff.

Arisu's lips pulled back into a subtle frown. Frustration twitching at her fingertips. Here she was trying to be civil with the Uchiha...why does she even bother?

"Here." Sasuke grunted as he shoved something into her hand. Arisu glanced down at the blue flower in her hand with a confused face.

She certainly wasn't expecting that.

"Happy birthday." He grumbled almost...embarrassed at his own gesture.

She found herself smirking at the Uchiha's embarrassment and placed the flower behind her ear.

"Not bad." She told the Uchiha as she turned to leave.

Blue was her favourite colour. He didn't need to know that.

The hawk perched on the edge of the cliff and listened intently at the words Sasuke whispered.

"Bring these to her."

And the hawk flew bearing a single flower in its talons. Soaring above forest and rivers it eventually spotted the mountain in the distance.

Eyes falling on Konoha it began its descend. Unaware of the tragedy within.

"Bring me team 10." She said to Haku who nodded.

Soon after Asuma arrived along with his students.

"What a drag..." Shikamaru drawled at Arisu. "Being chosen to carry a troublesome mission..."

"You don't even know what the missions about!" Ino scoffed as she glared at Shikamaru.

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