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Uchiha Shira was an anomaly. She was cold, cruel and ruthless. She couldn't care less what the consequences of her actions would be. Frankly, it didn't matter so long as Konoha reigned strong. It didn't matter who got in her way...she'd kill them all. She just needed Sasuke to stay alive. She just needed Konoha to thrive!

Arisu didn't feel like herself anymore.

And she didn't really care.

Shira walked with purpose. She walked with a confidence and cruel iciness that couldn't be broken or unraveled. She wouldn't be undone or crushed. She'd thrive!

She already tried believing in peace, the result was utter devastation. If she wanted to save her home and family then she'd have to be willing to destroy it and start anew.

I'll crush the weakness and build a strong village in place of the old. Burn it all and rise from the ashes. Shira thought with a satisfied smile.

"Shira." A deep voice called from behind that wiped the smile off her face.

"Madara." She acknowledged coldly. "What is it?"

"What it is, is your lack of progress." Obito spat like a coward under the guise of Madara. "You promised me the Kyuubi and have failed to keep your end of the bargain."

Shira scoffed, "All in due time Madara. I thought one of such esteem and power like yourself would understand a simple virtue like patience."

She could sense him gritting his teeth underneath the mask. Driven mad with anger from her mocking yet unable to do anything! His irritation brought her great pleasure. He, after all, was the root of her suffering.

"Patience is one thing, competence is another." He growled lowly.

"Are you suggesting that you are incompetent?" Mock-gasped Shira with wide eyes. "Such a confession!"

Obito scowled, "How dare you!"

"Yes I dare." Shira activated her sharingan, "you are truly incompetent to have waited this long! The Kyuubi boy was not always so skilled! If you truly wanted him then you would have taken him as a child not waited until now!"

She smirked, "If there is anyone incompetent it is the one who failed to kidnap a mere baby new to the world. Who failed to destroy the Village Hidden in the Leaves with the Kyuubi twice! So forgive me for pondering your competence." She mocked, shunshining away.


"That was unwise of you to provoke him." Itachi sighed, shaking his head. "It was foolish of you to join the enemy. Your rash thinking has brought many terrible risks."

"Hn." Shira scoffed, "Like I care of the risks."

"Arisu!" Itachi snapped, "you could've gotten hurt! You could—you could have died!"

"I AM NOT ARISU!" Shira screamed enraged, "Senju Arisu is the strong innocent and naive girl untouched by tragedy! Arisu is the one that failed Sasuke! I am Uchiha Shira! The one who will wash this world clean and protect everyone! I will save—-!"

"You will do no such thing if you have lost yourself Arisu." Itachi interrupted calmly, "no matter the time nor the failures you will always be Senju Arisu. Listen to me well Arisu, I will not lose you to the Curse of Hatred. You hear me? I will not lose you."

Arisu flinched as though his words had slapped and burned her.

"Hatred is hatred whether directed at another or self-loathing." Itachi narrowed his eyes, "tread carefully Senju or you will be swallowed up by hate."

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