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"I'm leaving for a self assigned mission." Arisu sighed, "Kakashi. I'm appointing you as temporary co-Hokage with Tsunade. Naruto I want you to continue your training with Jiraiya-san and Sakura..."

She smiled.

"I'm leaving you in charge of the Senju compound while I'm gone. Feel free to read any old scrolls you find lying around..."

"A-ah! Thank you!"

"Also...on a more serious note." Arisu narrowed her eyes, "While I'm gone I want you to work with Shikamaru to find ways to strengthen Konoha's defence...send me a scroll with the new plan."

"Eh? Why?" Naruto asked in confusion.

"It never hurts." Arisu answered vaguely. "Until then I leave Konoha in your hands Kakashi—-!"

"You're leaving?!" Tsunade exclaimed as she stormed into the office. "Are you kidding me? Alone?!"

Arisu groaned, "Yes. I'll be fine."

Her older relative shook her head disapprovingly. "I don't..."

"Tsunade. I'll be fine." Arisu assured. She flashed her sharingan. Pain clawed at her nerves from her right eye. Arisu grit her teeth and masked it. "I'll be fine. I just need time..."

Tsunade observed her brief moment of agonizing pain.



Oh fuck.

"That's why I'm leaving." Arisu sighed, ignoring the throbbing of her eye."I'm going to search for my past." She lied, feeling guilty about being dishonest to her teammates.

It's for their own good. They'll understand...

"Alright! We'll support you all the way! Shanaroo!" Sakura grinned. "And maybe...if you really are a Uchiha then..."

"We can bring Sasuke home!" Naruto laughed.

"Maa maa... my cute student has quite a lot of secrets don't you..." Kakashi sighed.

Arisu smiled, "Thank you..." She turned to Tsunade. "I—!"

"Be safe." Tsunade whispered as she embraced the young Hokage. "Or else I'm going to revive and kill you again."

Arisu shut her eyes.

"I know."

My Mangekyo grants me the ability to use the Jikan no Doko, a time manipulation jutsu. Arisu sighed as she walked along the road, her back towards Konoha and the Shinjitsu strapped to her back.

She changed out of her usual ninja gear into a more casual civilian kimono. Though, she had her shinobi attire underneath. In this timeline, she probably just revealed her identity to her closest friends or close to that point in time.

It was different.

She wasn't leaving Konoha only to protect it, she was leaving it to save someone who protected her.

Arisu frowned.

I'm sorry Haku. She thought regretfully, I...have to do this. I need to save Sasuke.

First, she needed to find someone. Someone she could trust and depend on. Someone strong! And...could help her manage her Mangekyo.

She clasped a hand to her right eye and inhaled. Glancing down hazily she clicked her tongue at the blood on her palm.

Arisu was completely blind in that eye.

And then she wasn't.

I see... she thought to herself, the consequence of going back in time. My eye...will gradually lose its usefulness and then most likely...


She'd become permanently blind in that eye.

And if I use it again...?

It would cost her the other eye.

Ah...the joys of being part Uchiha...

"Tch." Arisu ignored her right eye's screams of agony and continued on. How would she find Itachi? She wasn't quite sure where to begin. Currently, he was with the Akatsuki-a criminal organization after tailed beasts. If she were to make contact with him she'd have to be extremely carefully about it.

"Arisu...? What are you doing here?" Kakashi asked the Hokage as she entered her office.

"What do you mean?" She frowned. "This is my office?"

"Didn't you say you're going on a mission?"

"No...I never said that." Arisu frowned as Kakashi narrowed his eyes.

"What was the fundamental principle I taught you?"

"Those who break the rules are scum but those who abandon their comrades are worse than scum." Arisu answered easily, beginning to catch on.

Kakashi inhaled.

"Shit." He cursed, "Someone recently came in saying that..." he shook his head, "someone came and impersonated you." Kakashi grimaced. "And they sent Sakura to the Senju compound and Naruto away on a journey with Jiraiya..."

Arisu eyes widened. "Who did what?!"

She snarled. "Kakashi! We need to find the fake! How dare they...sneak into my own village and...!"

"They told us to strengthen Konoha's defence and send them a copy of the plan..."

Arisu exhaled.

"Then we can use that to find my impersonator."

Kakashi nodded.

"I'll call Naruto and Sakura back."

Who in their right of minds would impersonate the Hokage?

"Also...they were an Uchiha."

Arisu's eyes darkened.

Damned Uchiha!

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