I Won't Say I'm in Love

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(Music recommended)

Arisu couldn't help but bang her head on her desk. Over and over. Haku grew more and more concerned with each thump.

"Lady Hokage...?"

"Haku. Please kill me." She pleaded, "I'm so confused and tired."

"I'm afraid I can't." Haku sighed softly with a small smile, "Why don't you leave this work to me and your clone? I'll cover you."

Arisu shot Haku a grateful look.

"Shadow clone jutsu..." she muttered as she left the office.

It's funny isn't it? A little while ago she'd never believe anyone who'd tell her this was what her future held. A little while back she'd still be a firm Uchiha-hater.

Hell, Arisu doubted that without Sasuke she'd still be the completely emotionless and stiff. Reluctantly she admitted that she had loosen up considerably since becoming a part of Team Seven. It felt kind of nice.

'It's kind of nice to have someone confess to me...' she mentally admitted.

Arisu shook her head. What the hell was she thinking? She was the Hokage! She hadn't the time for boys or love.

Arisu Senju was not in love. No matter what anyone said she was not in love.

Fine. Sasuke confessed! So what? That doesn't mean she'd magically melt into some mushy love story. Arisu knew better then to sell her heart to some boy.

There was a high risk that Sasuke could desert the village if he were to be tempted by 'power' and his revenge. With that said, Arisu didn't want to risk fracturing her already fragile stone heart. They were too different.

And the worst thing was that Team Seven's break was over. They'd have to drop by her office to get their new missions! She couldn't deal with him now.

Naruto was still with Jiraiya trying to get Tsunade. He'd probably be there for a few more days I maybe even a couple of weeks if Tsunade felt like being stubborn.

Arisu groaned. Could she even trust a clone with her job? Argh! This is all that Uchiha's fault!

She just wanted to see her father now...

"Why hello there my youthful carnation!" Rock Lee grinned, "what seems to be ailing you?"

Arisu mentally cried.

"Nothing important." Sighed the young Hokage, "Just thinking..."

"You...aren't you a member of Team Seven?" Neji inquired, "I've seen you with them before."

Arisu nodded slowly, "Something like that."

"I'm Rock Lee!" Beamed Lee brightly, "Konoha's handsome-!"

"Alright that's enough. You're scaring the poor thing..." Tenten smiled sheepishly, "I'm Tenten."

"Neji Hyuuga." Neji nodded.

"I'm Arisu. Arisu S-!"

"Hokage-sama?! How can you be here is we just saw you...?" Sakura trailed off prompting Arisu to sigh.

"Hokage?" Blinked Lee, "we're off to meet the Hokage isn't that youthful? We're the second team to be summoned-!"

"Hn. We were the first." Sasuke spoke up as he glanced at Arisu briefly before looking away with a light blush.

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