Washed Away

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"Bind me not, to the pastures.
Chain me not, to the plow.
Set me free, to find my calling.

And I'll be homeward bound in time"

Arisu sat down alone on top of a tree branch. It was the tree she had climbed earlier with chakra.

'Why be a hero if you fail....?' She pondered quietly, 'Father....you failed didn't you? You died at the hands of...no, I will not let that foolish boy's words tarnish your honour and name.'

Arisu knew better than to doubt her father. She knew better than to allow herself to lose composure. She hadn't lost it for years and yet, now she did.

It was as if someone was trying to tell her it was okay to be human. It was okay to have emotions as long as they don't interfere with missions.

But who else beside her had that mentality?

Kakashi perhaps, but she didn't trust him with her secrets. Arisu knew that he'd favour Sasuke for sure since they're so 'similar'.

Arisu foresaw Kakashi neglecting Naruto and Sakura to other teachers so he himself could focus on Sasuke and Sasuke alone.

It was always about the Uchiha.

Hashirama was willing to kill himself for the Uchiha and his so called best friend. Sarutobi lacked the discipline to oppose Danzō and be firmer on the Uchiha.

It was all about the Uchiha.

And that irritated Arisu.

They were the ones unsatisfied with the village and the clan alliance! They were the ones to neglect the Senju-Uchiha agreement!

It was all their fault!

"Damn them..." she muttered to herself, "Damn them to hell!"

She-a Senju-was never considered! It was all about the esteemed Uchiha! The Senju were practically forgotten, or not permitted to reveal herself.

That was Arisu, one of the last Senju.

She leaped up off the tree!

Her body twisted and turned elegantly as she performed flips mid-air.

Sharp kunai flung from her hands and onto the tree bark inches away from the face of the last Uchiha heir.

"What do you want?" She said with a dangerous tone, "to scold me? To tell me I was too harsh on the boy?"

There was always something she did 'wrong' that didn't satisfy everyone.

Kage cannot always satisfy everyone. There will always be one person who'd feel resentful. In the end that didn't matter. All that mattered was Konoha.

"No." Said Sasuke simply, "you were right."

Arisu said nothing as she walked over to Sasuke and retrieved her kunai.

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