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The drop of a pin could've been heard through the thick silence of shock, disbelief and denial.

"I-how-what-huh?!" Sakura stumbled on her words, "you? You're the Hokage?"

Arisu nodded stoically. "Indeed. Just like my great grandfather the Second Hokage."

Kakashi could only stare in disbelief with a dazed expression. "I should've known." He blinked. Of course she was the Hokage! That would explain the hiding of her face and her stupid knowing smile.

Arisu was looking forward to Sasuke's shocked and confused expression. She was looking forward to basking in his frustration.

This wasn't what she was expecting.

Sasuke Uchiha knelt down on one knee and bowed, "It's an honour Lady Hokage." He said with closed eyes.

Arisu blinked. "What?"

"I said it was an honour." He repeated as he scratched his cheek in embarrassment. "Don't make me repeat myself..."

Kakashi sighed. The things people did for love...

"A-ah?" The Hokage nodded unsurely before clearing her throat, "Right. Um well, I wanted to tell you to take a three day break from your duties to train or do whatever as an apology for lying to you about my...identity." Arisu gulped. She wasn't trained for this job.

She wasn't supposed to give orders. She was supposed to take them.

"Uh...ahem. Yes Hokage-sama." Kakashi cleared his throat, "Let's go Sakura. Sasuke."

Sakura immediately followed Kakashi out of the office whereas Sasuke lingered a little longer.

"Is there something the matter Uchiha?" Arisu sighed as she massages her temple.

"No." He replied smiling stupidly, "I was simply wondering whether this Hokage of ours could spar with me tonight."

Was this Uchiha honestly challenging her?

"Cocky as always Uchiha." She spat before sighing, "Fine. Now go and brood or something."

Sasuke frowned. "I do not brood."

Arisu gave the Uchiha a dry look. "If you say so." And returned her focus to her pile of paperwork.

Sasuke bowed once more before brooding his way out of her office with a stupid grin.

'I've got a date.' He thought with a dazed expression.

'I'm going to rip him apart piece by piece.' Blinked Arisu.

It wasn't quite a date per say but it was close enough for the desperate Uchiha. He knew a hundred percent that she was the one he wanted to spend the rest of his life with.

Arisu on the other hand wanted nothing to do with him.

Then again, who could resist an Uchiha's charms?


Arisu indirectly asked Kakashi to train Sasuke in Lightning release not because she cared. She did it because she had a debt to repay.

And so here she was with a person from the clan she absolutely hated.

"After you Lady Hokage." Sasuke smirked as she got into a stance.

"You're going to regret that Uchiha." Arisu drawled as she masked her irritation.

In a blink of an eye she was gone and now behind Sasuke with a kunai to his neck.

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