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"I am Senju Arisu, the Fifth Hokage of Konohagakure." Arisu spoke loudly. She was dressed in the full Hokage robes and hat.

A silence fell over the entire village.

Arisu knew that there would definitely be resistance to a mere 'child' being their Hokage. She also knew that she could handle it.

"But she's just a child!" A voice called out, "I refuse to believe it!"


"She's too young..."

"Didn't she say Senju? Could she be related to the First or Second Hokage?"

"Calm yourselves." Arisu said as authority oozed out of her voice. "Although I am a child and am very young I can promise that I am capable of being your Hokage."

She took a deep breath.

"And just like my great grandfather Tobirama Senju I will guide Konoha with the Will of Fire!" She declared as Konoha cheered.

"Well said!" Yelled a voice in the crowd.

Arisu smiled as she noticed Sakura and Kakashi cheering quite loudly within the crowd.

"SHANNAROOO!!!! WELL DONE ARISU!" Sakura cheered.

"I won't accept this!" Screamed someone suddenly, "a child leading us? Senju or not I-!"

"SILENCE!" A voice yelled from behind Arisu.

Arisu turned to face the scowling face of Danzo Shimura.

"As a student of Tobirama Senju I know for a fact that our Hokage is capable." He spoke up as Arisu narrowed her eyes.

'What's he playing at?' She thought, 'I don't care if he was a student of my great grandfather...he's still someone untrustworthy.'

"And I trust her as well." Tsunade spoke up as she crossed her arms, "she is probably the most promising Hokage since my grandfather."

Murmurs filled the crowd. If someone as influential as Tsunade trusted her then...

"Then it's settled." Homura said, "From this moment forward Arisu Senju has been acknowledged by the council and is the official Hokage of Konohagakure, the Village Hidden in the Leafs."

Arisu bowed.

'This is tiring...'


Arisu was now the official recognized Hokage. Her face, would be carved into the Hokage monument and she'd be recorded in Konoha's official historia.

She was already tired from the ceremony and just wanted to sleep when she got home.

Not this.


"I didn't say that." Arisu sighed, "I said I started learning how to use it..."

"Show me." Tobirama urged. Arisu closed her eyes and stilled her body for a brief second before black markings covered her face.

Hashirama's eyes widened, "That's...!"

"Careless!" Scolded Tobirama, "do you know what would've happened if you had not been successful?! You could've been turned to stone!"

Arisu scoffed, "At least I learned it. I'd rather turn to stone then turn to Jiraiya for help..."

"Jiraiya?" Hashirama questioned.

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