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It was time.

Eventually Naruto and Sai found a way to temporarily compromise and that's all Arisu needed for this mission.

The goal?

To find Orochimaru and burn his lab.

But her team didn't know that.

Sakura and Naruto believed this was another 'Sasuke retrieval' mission. Arisu knew better then to waste her time on a traitor.

She had already let him go.

Deep down inside there was still a naive part of her that questioned whether perhaps, Sasuke did still love her...

But the rest of her knew better then to ask.

And she declared the missions start...

"Naruto, Sakura, Sai and Yamato!" She called out.

They all nodded, "Right!" And they ran off towards their goal. Baka......

The group arrived safely and quietly. Outside the hideout they crouched down and revised the 'plan' to retrieve Sasuke.

"We know Sasori has an agent inside correct?" Whispered Arisu.

Sakura nodded, "Hai. He will be arriving here soon. Yamato said that he'd pose as Sasori..."

Arisu nodded, "Sakura. You were the one to fight him...what's his fighting style? His mannerisms?" Sakura blinked, "uhh he is impatient and has an obsession for eternal art." Arisu shook her head with a slight facepalm.

"When we get back I'll educate you on the verbal format of reports." The young Hokage sighed, "now find Sasuke. I'll go and be the lookout for Orochimaru."


Arisu was gone.

Yamato sighed, "The flying thunder expected of Hokage-sama."

Sai smiled fakely. my target must not be too far. Sasuke...Lord Danzo wishes your demise so you must die.


Arisu ran through the hideout at an incredible speed. A blank and impassive expression on her face as she dropped a trail of explosive tags.

I just need to get through the hideout... she told herself, Team Kakashi and Yamato should be enough to distract Orochimaru and...him.

She felt a little guilty for using her team like that...but not enough. She needed to destroy this base along with any bit of research that vile snake had done.

"For Konoha..." she told herself, "I am Kage, I show no emotions nor hesitations. I am the Will of Fire, I live for Konoha and I will die for Konoha just as my father and my kin before me."

She was the Hokage...but she was also Kage. She would never stop being Kage. She couldn't leave that part of her behind.

Are you proud of me...Tou-sama...?

Do you miss me the same way I miss you?

Her eyes narrowed in rage as she unsheathed the Shinjitsu and began to slash at the walls of the hideout. The base shook as she continued to attack at its infrastructure.

"That's enough Arisu..." Tobirama's voice told her from the Shinjitsu, "anymore and the base will collapse on you as well."

"That's not a problem Great grandfather." She growled lowly, "I can simply use the flying thunder god to escape if I need to. And even if it does collapse...I'll take as much of it with me."

"You're not thinking straight!" Hashirama's voice came from the sword, "calm down... take deep breaths. Konoha still needs you."

"Konoha will survive so long as the Will of Fire burns." Arisu smirked with a hint of pride, "besides...I don't plan on dying."


"" Sakura whispered as she gazed at the boy in shock and disbelief.

"Hn. Sakura, Naruto...has Kakashi tagged along as well?" The Uchiha smirked.

Yamato glared at Sasuke, "I'm leader in his place for this mission. We'll be escorting you back to Konoha."

"Hmph. We'll see about that." Sasuke scoffed, "you're all still weak..." he glanced at Sai and ignored the painful twang in his heart, "Is that my replacement? Pathetic. You're all pathetic."

Naruto growled, "SHADDAP!! You have no right to say those things after leaving!! Sasuke...Teme...I'll bring you back by the ear if I have to!"

"I'd like to see you try but..." he scoffed, "I have no time for losers like you." Naruto yelled as he charged for the Uchiha.

"Naruto no!" Sakura screamed as Sasuke activated his sharingan.


Sasuke felt himself waver at the mention of her name before he leaped up and dodged Naruto's terrible attempt of a punch.

"She was a fool." He said slowly, almost...carefully.

Tears burned in Naruto's eyes. "Don't you know...?" He whispered, "Arisu never shows her tears...she keeps everything hidden...and kills herself from the inside."

Sasuke's eyes widened a fraction. Barely, but surely. No one noticed.

"You're an idiot Naruto." Was all he could manage.


Arisu's run fell into a slow walk as she found herself in front of a room. Chakra seeped out of the door as footsteps approached from behind.


"Arisu." He smirked, "what brings you to my humble abroad?" Arisu kept her face blank.

"Your death." She said calmly as he grimaced. "Hm...and here I was thinking it was to visit the Uchiha." Orochimaru sighed, "what powerful offspring you two would create..."

A nasty grin grew on the Senju's face.

"Sorry to disappoint but I don't fuck traitors."

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