The Toad Sage's Oath

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"You know it would be a lot easier for everyone if you just revealed yourself as Hokage." Haku sighed. "It's not like I hate doing your job it's simply..."

"It's my responsibility and I must accept it right?" Interrupted Arisu, "I suppose you're right."

The two stood in the Hokage office gazing over the village.

" I supposed to be Hokage?" Arisu asked as she clenched her fist.

"I cannot answer that Lady Hokage." Smiled Haku, "only you can."

Arisu gave Haku a dry look and was about to retort when the doors burst open.

"I HAVE NEWS!" Jiraiya boomed as he forced his way in, "I KNOW WHERE-!"

He stopped mid-sentence to stare at Arisu.

"Eh? Aren't you the brat who interfered with my research?" He blinked.

"Jiraiya the Toad Sannin." Arisu seemed to cringe, "What can I help you with?"

"O-oh well I'm here to see the Hokage and where is he?" Jiraiya scratched his ear as he glanced around looking for this all-powerful Hokage.

"You're looking at her." Haku smiled.

"You?" Blinked Jiraiya before drooling, "Well hello there...I'm Jiraiya. How about going out for some sake?"

Haku smiled painfully. His entire expression screamed kill-me-now.

"I'm a man. I'm also underage."

Jiraiya would've spat out his drink had he been drinking.


"Ahem. Please do not flirt with my right hand ninja." Arisu coughed lightly, "And if you're looking for the Hokage then here I am."

Jiraiya squinted. "You?"

"Arisu Senju, the fifth Hokage of Konohagakure." She introduced with a strange feeling on her tongue. felt like a foreign word in her mouth.

"Senju? Really? You?" Jiraiya drawled incredulously.

Arisu narrowed her eyes. "You question me?"

"No. I just half expected Tsunade to be sitting here waiting to yell at me but that wouldn't be right since I came to tell you where she was." Informed Jiraiya awkwardly, "I wanted to ask permission to bring Naruto with me when I get her."

"Get her? As in bring her back to Konoha?" Arisu repeated lowly, "that disgrace?"

"Ah...that's a little harsh isn't it?" Asked Jiraiya sheepishly, "I mean she knows medical ninjutsu like the back of her hand and well..."

Arisu frowned at the mention of her relative's skill. Indeed, Tsunade was gifted with a great talent for medical jutsu one that Arisu did not have herself.

It pained the young Hokage to think of what could've been had she learned medical ninjutsu. Perhaps then she would have been able to save Sarutobi.

"-okage? Lady Hokage!" Haku exclaimed as he waved a hand in front of Arisu's face.

" apologies. Fine you may go and get Tsunade and bring Naruto on the condition that be never leaves your sight." Arisu said solemnly, "There are many people out there who would for their own purposes. You must swear not to leave him alone ever."

Jiraiya eyed the young Hokage steadily and said, "You have my word."

"Even if a woman comes along?" Arisu raised her eyebrows.

Jiraiya's face fell slightly before he let out a deep sigh.

"Even if a lovely lady comes along."

"Then swear it on the boy's dead father." She said coldly, "Swear it on the name of your dead student."

Jiraiya's shoulders slumped at the mention of his first blond hair student. So this is why the young girl was so wary of letting Naruto leave with him. She didn't have faith he could protect his own students.

"I swear. I swear on the name Minato Namikaze." Jiraiya said sorrowfully, "I promise...not a hand will come to harm a hair on his head and steal him away."

Arisu nodded, "then you have my trust. Tell her that 'the other Senju wants to see her' Go."

And he did but not before saying.

"You're just like your father."

Leaving Arisu to consider the past.

"Lady Hokage?" Haku questioned.

She shook her head. "Everything you heard never happened understood?"


"Good." She sighed, "Now being me the remainder of Team Seven."


"Sensei is it true the Hokage summoned us personally?" Questioned Sakura for the twentieth time, "Naruto isn't here! He'll be so upset."

"Yes I know Sakura." Kakashi sighed, "but what can be done? It's not everyday a legendary ninja like Jiraiya comes to train a student right?"

Sakura nodded slowly, "Yeah..."

Sasuke said nothing. He merely glanced around as they walked for any signs of their white haired teammate.

"Kakashi, where is Arisu?" He asked, his voice oozing concern.

Kakashi shook his head. If only he knew the answer. "I haven't seen her since our last mission." It was unnerving as a Sensei to have a high ranking ninja as your student.

"I see..." Sasuke said disappointed as the team arrived at the Hokage tower.

"Hello," Haku greeted them there, "Lady Hokage is waiting inside along with Arisu."

"Haku? What are you doing here?" Blinked Sakura.

"I work as Lady Hokage's secretary and go-to ninja." He smiled.

"Really? Then you've met her?" Sasuke questioned.

"Of course. She is lovely and kind and beautiful." He trailed off with a foreign tone then he shook his head. "Never mind. But rest assured that she is worthy of her job. Please remind her of that. Often she feels like she isn't up for the task."

"Ah we will. Thank you Haku." Kakashi smiled as he led his team inside the office where Arisu awaited by the desk.

"Arisu! Where's Lady Hokage?" Questioned Sakura with a hiss, "you shouldn't sit there! That's very rude you know...what if she caught you?"

Kakashi had a sinking suspicions what was happening and wasn't liking it. Not one bit.


The white haired Hokage merely laughed.

The melodic sound rung throughout the room. It was the first time they'd heard her laughter. It was sweet like the bells at a small church or wind chimes in the morning.

'Beautiful...' was the way Sasuke chose to describe it.

'Obnoxious,' Sakura scowled.

"Allow my to introduce myself," she smiled as she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, "I'm Senju Arisu, the Fifth Hokage of Konohagakure."

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