Random chapter, 'cause I overthink things

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Some things that confused me about some musicals because of things I heard from the fandom...

1. I've never actually seen Phantom Of The Opera, nor have I read the original novel, I just know and love the soundtrack. Is the Phantom's real name being Erik mentioned in either? I heard that it's mentioned in the book, but idk. I've heard so many POTO fans refer to him as "Erik", and for a moment, I thought it was just a random name that the fandom decided to use 'cause they were tired of constantly referring to him as "the Phantom".

2. While I'm on the topic of names that I thought people just made up for character's whose names aren't revealed, I thought it was the fans that came up with Mrs. Lovett's first name being Nellie, and it always confused me, 'cause her first name is never mentioned in the musical. After doing some research, I learned that Mrs. Lovett has been given several first names ever since the original penny dreadful was published in 1846, and Nellie wound up being the one that most people used. (Followup question: how did some of the fans come up with "Eleanor, Nellie for short"? Since when is Nellie short for Eleanor? Not saying it can't be, I'm just curious.)

3. I don't remember Anthony's last name being revealed. If it is, I must've forgotten that part, but I don't remember it being mentioned. Did everyone just agree that his last name should be Hope, or was that already a thing? (I'm always confused, and I overthink a lot of things, whoops.)

Have any of you guys ever questioned things like this?

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