Character comparison: Mrs. Lovett and Nancy

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These two definitely have their differences. Nancy is an innocent woman who hangs out with guilty people, and that's how Mrs. Lovett starts out, but Lovett ends up hiding the bodies of the people Sweeney kills, so... Anyway, regardless of their differences, I found some similarities (not a lot, but I still find these similarities rather interesting).
1. Both seem really cheery when you're first introduced to them.
2. Both are in love with violent men who don't reciprocate their feelings.
3. Both sort of look after a young boy.
4. Both end up getting killed by their love interest.
5. Both are within the alto-mezzo range. (Lovett's considered an alto, and Nancy's considered a mezzo, but they both have the same top note, and the website that I got this from says that Nancy's bottom note is a note below Lovett's, so...idk. I'ma just say "alto-mezzo".)

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