Random musical thing

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Replacing a word from my favorite musical lyrics with the word "b**ch".

1. "All good things come to those who can b**ch!"
Lovett has spoken! *random complaining/b**ching*

2. "I dreamed a dream in b**ch gone by..."
This makes no sense...

3. "I hear a drunk b**ch sing along to Whitney through the door."

4. "You will be b**ch."
Dang, Evan!

5. "I am the one b**ch in life I can control!"
Heck yeah, Burr! HBIC!

6. "All the shine of a thousand spotlights, all the stars we steal from the night sky will never be b**ch."
I'm glad that those stars aren't b**ches.

7. "Think of it as thrift...as a gift...if you get my b**ch..."
No, he does not get your dog...

8. "Freeze your b**ch!"
😐 ...

9. "Can anybody see? Is anybody waving back at b**ch?"
Aw, Evan, don't call yourself a b**ch.

10. "Do you hear the b**ch sing? Singing the songs of angry men!"
I don't know. Do I hear the b**ch sing?

11. "By the sea, Mr. B**ch, oh, I know you'd love it!"
Mr. B**ch!😂

I'm aware that this is a lot, but I have tons of favorite musical lyrics. Heck, there's even more that I'd like to add...oof...

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