New vocal range

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I made up a new vocal range called "wtf".

So, here's the story: I watched this video to help me figure out what my highest and lowest notes are. My lowest is a G3, and my highest is an E5.
Here's the list of vocal ranges and their high and low notes...

Apparently, the alto low note is an F3, but I can't sing an F3

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

Apparently, the alto low note is an F3, but I can't sing an F3. The alto high note is a D5, but I can sing up to an E5. Meanwhile, the mezzo high note is an F5, which is too high for me, but the mezzo low note is an A3, and I can sing lower than that.
My new vocal range is "wtf"... Meh. I'll just say "alto-mezzo". If this range didn't exist before, now it does.

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