The high school version of Heathers

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I feel like a lot of people don't like the high school version of Heathers because all they think about is "the trash Riverdale made". Well, fun fact: Riverdale didn't write those "kidz bop-ified" lyrics, Laurence O'Keefe (the one who wrote the music for Heathers) did.

A lot of Heathers fans were really mad about the lyric changes in Riverdale, complaining that they were "trashy", "ruined Heathers", and "deserved to not exist". Now, I understand why some of them are mad. I mean, Riverdale shows tons of sex scenes, and other things that aren't PG, yet they can't even do the original version of Candy Store. That is rather odd. But as I've previously mentioned, the lyric changes weren't created by Riverdale.
Because of how much people seem to hate the lyric changes, I'm very scared to say this, but I actually like the high school version of Heathers. "BuT iT's So CrInGeY!" "It'S nOt GoOd WiThOuT tHe AdUlT cOnTeNt!" Yes, Heathers is a more adult show, but Laurence O'Keefe wrote the high school edition for the sake of high schoolers who wanted to perform this show but couldn't due to school guidelines. You can think the removal of the adult content is "cringey" all you want, but now, high schoolers who love this show can perform it.

I personally really like the high school version of Dead Girl Walking (*cue all of THOSE theatre nerds shouting "BuT iT's So CrInGeY!!!!!!!"*), and I'm really glad it's a thing. I would love to play Veronica Sawyer one day, but before I knew the high school version of Dead Girl Walking existed, I always said I'd never play Veronica because of the sex scene (they make me uncomfortable, don't judge me!). My friend would always say she can see me as Veronica, and I'd always say, "I'd definitely want to play Veronica if they completely cut out Dead Girl Walking." With the high school edition, I could actually play Veronica, and not have to worry about being uncomfortable. (Of course, this is only possible if my high school does Heathers. Obviously no place outside of school would do the high school version.) (If we're going off of the original version though, I'd totally be down to play Heather M.)

I really have no idea where this chapter is going, so I'll just end it here.

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