Eponine (RANT)

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Eponine hate is pretty rare as far as I've seen, but I've seen some people hating on book Eponine for being a "bratty tattle tale" when she was a child, which I think is super weird, 'cause SHE'S A CHILD. Yes, the way she treated Cosette sometimes wasn't the best, but she was a little kid, and she has obviously matured since then. My little cousin used to be a huge brat, and my brother, my older cousin, and I couldn't stand him sometimes 'cause he always got us in trouble, even when he was lying, but he eventually realized that what he was doing was wrong, and he stopped, just like Eponine (well, I think Cosette was taken in by Valjean at that point, Eponine realizing that her actions aren't always the best comes later on). Honestly, I feel like hating a character because they were immature as a child is stupid, because THEY WERE A CHILD! Of course they were immature! That's how children are, and being a fictional character doesn't change that (unless there's a specific character that matures at a really young age).
Apparently, in the book, Eponine doesn't give Cosette's letter to Marius until her final moments, because that's when she realizes that keeping the letter from him was wrong. They sorta did that in the musical, but the scene surrounding her death is a bit different. In the book (which I haven't read, I just did some research), Eponine wants her and Marius to die together, so she tricks him into going to the barricade. She ends up realizing that what she's doing is wrong, so she throws herself in front of him. Yes, she was a tad bit manipulative, but she realized that she was doing the wrong thing, and she did her best to fix it (even though she died in the process 😢). Eponine did make some mistakes, but she's human, and mistakes are a human thing. What matters is that she learned from them, and she decided to do the right thing (still wish she wouldn't have died tho).
I think it's annoying when people constantly pit Eponine and Cosette against each other, and act as if you can only love one, and if you love one, you have to hate the other. I love both of them. They're both strong women who have gone through a lot in their lives. Even if Eponine was jealous of Cosette at times, I feel like they could've been friends if Eponine would've lived.

This is the 200th chapter, which means I've reached the chapter limit of this book. If you wanna see more theatre-y content, read my book "theatre kid things 2.0".

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