Why are some theatre fans so rude? (RANT WARNING)

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Are you ready to hear me overuse the term "edgy mc-edgelord"?!

(This is sort of a continuation of my "judgmental theatre nerds" rant.)

I watched a really beautiful video of the Les Mis movie cast rehearsing for their Oscar performance. Yes, I saw a lot of nice and funny comments, but it seems like no matter what, I can't escape THOSE theatre nerds who think they know everything all because "I liked it before it was a movie/popular!" (Okay, we get it, edgy mc-edgelord.)
(Mind you, this was a video of a REHEARSAL, so people really shouldn't be expecting it to sound perfect.)

Bold of this person to assume that Samantha Barks, Aaron Tviet, Hugh Jackman, and Anne Hathaway don't have experience

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Bold of this person to assume that Samantha Barks, Aaron Tviet, Hugh Jackman, and Anne Hathaway don't have experience. (Also, why compare a movie cast to a broadway cast? Stage acting is completely different from screen acting.)

"Yuck"? How old are you? Five?(I apologize to people who say "yuck"

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"Yuck"? How old are you? Five?
(I apologize to people who say "yuck". I just really wanted to make a point, and couldn't think of any other commentary.)

"I'm ThE oNlY rEaL fAn BeCaUsE i LiKe ThE oRiGiNal!!!!!!"Sorry to say this, edgy mc-edgelord, but that doesn't make you special

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"I'm ThE oNlY rEaL fAn BeCaUsE i LiKe ThE oRiGiNal!!!!!!"
Sorry to say this, edgy mc-edgelord, but that doesn't make you special.
(Also, hating on the movie doesn't make you a "real fan", just like not dressing girly doesn't mean you're "not like other girls"... DON'T LIE TO ME, KAREN! I SEE YOU DRINKING THAT STARBUCKS!)

Here's a lightning round, 'cause these next few comments are from the same person ('cause this person has no chill whatsoever).

Here's a lightning round, 'cause these next few comments are from the same person ('cause this person has no chill whatsoever)

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Again, I feel like it's wrong to compare broadway actors to movie actors, because stage and screen acting are different.
(Also, Hugh Jackman, Samantha Barks, and Aaron Tviet ARE broadway actors, so...)

"PeOpLe WhO cOuLd AcCuAlLy SiNg!!!!!"I really wish people would understand that just because somebody doesn't sound exactly like the original singer doesn't mean they're bad

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"PeOpLe WhO cOuLd AcCuAlLy SiNg!!!!!"
I really wish people would understand that just because somebody doesn't sound exactly like the original singer doesn't mean they're bad. (Do cover channels get half the crap that I see movie casts get?)
(I'm a teenager, and no way in hell do I sound like Angela Lansbury, but does that mean I'd be a crappy Mrs. Lovett? No! Would my performance be exactly like Angela's? No! Would that automatically mean my performance is the worst thing ever? No!)
(I actually don't know how good of a job I'd do, 'cause I've never played that part before, but you get what I'm trying to say!)

 Lovett? No! Would my performance be exactly like Angela's? No! Would that automatically mean my performance is the worst thing ever? No!)(I actually don't know how good of a job I'd do, 'cause I've never played that part before, but you get what ...

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I feel like this is a major overreaction.
1. The Les Mis movie does have some cast members with broadway experience.
And 2. My brother has seen both the movie and a live performance, and when I asked him if there were any differences, he said that the movie was mostly accurate.
I've only seen a high school production, but I've listened to the movie soundtrack before, and they're not all that bad. So for those people who are going to overreact all because it's not EXACTLY like the original, go waste your time elsewhere. Is the entire movie cast experienced when it comes to broadway? No. Does that automatically make them terrible singers? HELL NO!
Unpopular opinion: Russel Crowe wasn't the best, but he wasn't he worst either.
Another unpopular opinion: I love Helena Bonham Carter's singing voice. (I feel like her performance in the Sweeney Todd film gets more hate than her performance in the Les Mis film, but I still see a lot of people saying she's not a good singer, which I think is completely untrue, but that's just my opinion.)

I'll leave it at this: don't hate on a movie-musical cast for dumb reasons like "they can't sing" or "(insert thing) was changed, and I'm a bitter edgy mc-edgelord", because 1. Everyone's voice is unique. And 2. The cast isn't to blame for the changes you see in a stage to film adaptation. The changes are usually always the director's decision, and I praise the cast for working with what they got. (Again, I feel like this one applies to the Sweeney Todd film more, 'cause I see the cast get unnecessary hate for things they had no control over.)
One more thing ("why do you assume you're the smartest in the room?") ; if that were you performing in a movie-musical, would you want somebody to give you all this crap all because you don't sound exactly like the broadway singer? 'Cause I sure as hell wouldn't want that!

Okay, NOW my rant is over...

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