Carrie: the musical

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Another musical review!

1. I'm loving the harmonies in In!
2. "I'd make them sorry forever for teasing." FoReShAdOwInG!
3. Margret White needs to chill.
4. Christy Altomare is an amazing Sue!
5. You must have a close connection with your teacher for them to be giving you relationship advice. (My reaction to Unsuspecting Hearts.)
6. I feel so bad for Carrie.
7. I can't listen to this soundtrack without fangirling over Christy Altomare. Help me.
8. Nails? Dried. Bow? Tied. Teeth? Brushed. Face? Flushed. Hotel? Trivago.
9. Margret is literally the "I put you in this world, I can take you out of it" vine by Not Even Emily.
10. Carrie snapped. (Reaction to The Destruction.)
11. Carrie Reprise made me feel so nervous because I knew what was gonna happen.
12. Poor Sue's probably traumatized!
13. Carrie kinda reminds me of El from Stranger Things.

Overall thoughts: I love this musical, and I now have a new dream role to add to my long list! (Please let me play Carrie!)

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