Dream roles that I could never play

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Ever have a role that you'd love to play, but can't, because the character is either of the opposite gender or out of your vocal range? Here are mine...

Roles that I want to play, but could (probably) never play because they're out of my vocal range:
Christine Daaé (Phantom Of The Opera)
I don't know Phantom too well, but so far, I really love Christine's character. Sadly, there is no way in hell I can sing her high notes.

Johanna Barker (Sweeney Todd)
I love Johanna so much. She's probably my second biggest dream role in this show (next to Mrs. Lovett). I can sing her high notes occasionally, but sometimes, the notes just aren't there, and it makes me sad, because I love her songs (especially Green Finch And Linnet Bird). She's such an amazing character though, and I'd love to play her.

Cosette (Les Mis)
Cosette and Eponine are tied for my top dream roles in Les Mis, but only one of them I could realistically play. It makes me sad knowing that I'll never be able to play Cosette because her notes are so dang high. (At least I've got Eponine.)

There's probably others, but I can't think of them right now.

Roles that I want to play, but could never play because they're male:
Enjolras, Marius, or Valjean (Les Mis)
I love Red And Black, Do You Hear The People Sing, and basically all of Enjolras's moments! I wish I could play him!
I also love Marius, and playing him would be so amazing! (I already scream Empty Chairs At Empty Tables like a weirdo.)
Valjean's also pretty cool, and I love his songs. It's very unlikely that I'll ever play him though.

Davey Jacobs or Jack Kelly (Newsies)
Okay, but who wouldn't want to either shout "SANTA FE!!!!!!!" or "pOoR gUy'S hEaD iS sPiNnInG!!!!!!!"

Tobias (Toby) Ragg or Anthony Hope (Sweeney Todd)
Toby is just so extra, and I love it! Also, it's interesting to see his character development from when he's introduced to the end of the show. He goes from a sweet, innocent, loyal boy, to crazily traumatized, and as depressing as that is, it's very interesting. I'd love to portray that. (I almost auditioned, but now I'm not allowed to. Oof... Oh well.)
Anthony is such a huge mood for me in several ways. 1. He hardly knows what's going on half of the time. 2. He's the ultimate third wheel (@ every time he's ran in while Sweeney and Mrs. Lovett were talking). And 3. He loves Johanna Barker. (I mean, who DOESN'T love Johanna Barker?) Anthony's the only character in the show who hasn't done anything crazy. Even with Judge Turpin being a jerk, and Fogg trying to keep him and Johanna from escaping the asylum, he's managed to stay so pure and innocent. I just love him so much! (Also, I already scream "I FEEEEEEEL YOOOOOUUU, JOHAAAAAANNAAAA" on a daily basis, lol.)

Do any of you guys have dream roles that you probably couldn't play due to vocal range or gender?

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