Things that will never be the same after watching Katherine Steele (part 2)

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I don't know about you guys, but these are things that I hear inside my head every time I read them...

1. SoRrY fOr ThE eGg!

2. Is this your YouTube?!

3. E-Excuse me, are you...Jeremy Jordan?

4. Deeeeeemonetized! (I know I already mentioned this in another chapter, but seriously, I can never hear the word "demonetized" without thinking of Noah.)

5. ChOcOlAtE mIlK... (I already mentioned this as well, but I always read it in her voice now, so...)

6. Little Cosette/lil Cosette.

7. You smell unbelievable! Whoa!

8. It NeVeR eNdS wElL fOr ThE bIrD!

9. See ya later, Berowne! (I also already mentioned this one in another chapter, but it's such a meme, so I had to mention it again.)

10. First, we take over broadway, AND THEN THE WORLD!

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