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I don't have a full opinion on BMC because I haven't heard the entire soundtrack yet, but based off of the songs I've heard, it's not all that bad. It's not my favorite, but it's actually kinda good (although I still find it funny that Stephen Sondheim left during intermission). A part of me really didn't want to like this show, mostly because of how crazy the fandom is, but I ended up thinking, "I shouldn't base an entire show off of how the fandom acts". Here's some commentary I have on it.
Why is the fandom so crazy?
I understand that this isn't everyone. I have three friends irl who are major BMC fans, and they're (somewhat) sane. But with some fans...god forbid you don't ship boyf riends. I don't have an opinion on any of the ships yet, but people should stop being outright ruthless to people who don't ship boyf riends. And to anyone who's willing to listen, CHRISTINE IS NOT "IN THE WAY OF YOUR SHIP"! STOP HATING ON HER FOR SUCH STUPID REASONS! Also, though I see this with tons of musical fans in general, the BMC fans are BRUTAL towards the broadway cast all because "they'll never be as good as the original" (stop bullying Will Rolland!). Another thing; whenever I try to reference any other musical, people ALWAYS seem to bring BMC into it. I can never talk about Christine from POTO without several BMC fans screaming "CHRISTIIIIIINE CANIGULA". I'll admit, when people say "Christine", I think of both Daaé and Canigula, but I feel like people somehow turn everything into BMC, and it makes it hard to ask someone what other shows they like when they turn everything into BMC. (Example of that whole thing: I saw a post saying "Halloween musicals summarized", talking about violent and creepy musicals, like Sweeney Todd or Phantom Of The Opera, and SO many people were commenting things about Be More Chill. Sorry to break it to you, but having one song about a Halloween party doesn't make it a Halloween musical. Heck, by "Halloween" musicals, they weren't even meaning ACTUAL Halloween musicals, they were mostly meaning creepy and violent, and is BMC really either of those things?)
I have nothing against the musical itself (I actually enjoy it), but some of the fans are fricking crazy. Not saying all fans are crazy, just some. I know that there are Be More Chill fans who aren't toxic.

P.S. How does Joe Iconis think teenagers talk? "Lipstick, kitty paw"? Really?
Update from the future: I think I let my anger at Joe Iconis for being on his phone during Anais Mitchell's Tony award speech + my anger at how tv shows portray teenagers + my anger at the BMC fandom cloud my judgement. I didn't mean to throw shade at him. Sure, it's not exactly realistic, but I never meant to insult his writing. (Maybe there are teenagers who speak like that, idk. I feel like if anyone speaks like that, it's 11-13 year olds who think this is what teenagers speak like and want to sound more grown up, but that might just be from my own personal experience.)

P.P.S. I know that it's not meant to be anything rude, but I've seen SO much virgin shaming in the media, so every time I hear Jeremy say "accept that you're one of those guys who'll be a virgin till he dies" in More Than Survive, I always wanna scream "STOP VIRGIN SHAMING!" It's not the musical's fault for this. I'm just tired of virgin shaming.

P.P.P.S. Be More Chill fans, please don't kill me.

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