Actor irony/Mostly me talking about Lea Salonga

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I just realized that now, I can make a joke about Mrs. Lovett being Madame Thenardier, Fantine, AND Eponine.
The joke is that Helena Bonham Carter played Mrs. Lovett and Madame Thenardier, Patti Lupone played Mrs. Lovett and Fantine, and Lea Salonga, who played Eponine, is now playing Mrs. Lovett. Just gotta love the actor irony.
Since I mentioned Lea Salonga playing Mrs. Lovett, I'm gonna talk about that a bit. So, I think she's gonna kill it (pun intended), but because she played Eponine, as well as provided the singing voice for two Disney princesses (Mulan and Jasmine), all I can think of are weird crossover parodies. (*runs through Fleet Street* A WHOLE NEW WORLD!!!!!!! A DAZZLING PLACE I NEVER KNEW!!!!!!!!)
Too bad it's in another country. I would love to see Lea's take on such a crazy character.

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