Everyone needs to chill about The Prom on Netflix

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When it comes to The Prom on Netflix, all I see is negativity. So many people saying things like, "can they cast people who can ACTUALLY SING" (at this point, I'm not surprised tho), which I really don't like, considering James Cordon and Meryl Streep are a part of that cast, and they're AMAZING singers! (Also, cult fave Andrew Rannells is in it. Is everyone gonna ignore that?)
Most of the negativity is directed towards Ariana Grande though. I understand where some of the anger is coming from. Alyssa is a lesbian woman of color, and Ariana isn't really either of those things. (Well, she looks tan. Idk her actual race. As for her sexuality, someone told me she was bi, but everyone else says she's straight.) I personally don't see her as Alyssa 'cause she doesn't really look like a teenager, but so many people are mostly being negative because, surprise surprise, she's a mainstream celebrity. I feel like so many people are forgetting that she started out with musical theatre, and while I do think her voice has more of a pop sound, I don't think she's terrible at musical theatre (for the record though, I've only seen a clip of her singing something from Wicked, so idk). As I've mentioned before, just because someone doesn't do broadway 24/7 doesn't mean they're a terrible broadway performer.
Also, everyone seems to be forgetting that Ariana LEFT the cast because it conflicted with her tour schedule. Like, she's not even in the cast anymore! Just calm down!

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