Something I noticed when I saw Hamilton

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I don't know if they do this intentionally, but I feel like the Hamilton fandom makes it look like Laurens was overly depressed at Hamilton's wedding, and they act as if Eliza stole Hamilton from Laurens, which isn't true at all. Now, before y'all shout at me ("bUt ThE lEtTeRs!"), I just wanna clarify that I ship both Lams and Hamliza, and I'm aware that there's evidence of Laurens and Hamilton having a relationship. (I mean, I think it's weird to ship real people, but Hamliza's actually canon, and there is some evidence of Lams.)
So, what I was going to say is that after seeing Hamilton live, I noticed that Laurens didn't look as depressed during the wedding as everyone says he was. Now, that may just be because of the actor, but I do feel like people are over exaggerating how "sad and depressed" Laurens feels at Hamilton's wedding. If anything, the guy who played Laurens when I saw the show looked happy for Hamilton. I'm not saying he couldn't possibly be sad on the inside, but as I mentioned, I feel like people exaggerate it. (For the record, I wasn't in any of the front row seats, so it's not like I could see his face THAT well, but I did have a dang good seat, and I could see well enough.)

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