Wedding Day

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A/N: ^^^that's Yoonmin's wedding song..uwu AlSO what?! 400 views?! Thank you so much. I am so grateful. ily. 

Taehyung's P.O.V - Saturday Morning

No alarms were needed this morning. It wasn't even 6 a.m. and Taehyung was already up and beginning to get ready for the day. After months of preparations and excitement, two of his best friend's were getting married today and he was through the moon with excitement. Knowing that Jimin hardly got any sleep last night, he decided to get a headstart on breakfast preparations so that once the cute mochi woke up they would be able to eat and head out. 

Making his way into the kitchen and putting some coffee on for Jimin, Tae couldn't help but feel warm and fuzzy inside, knowing how long Jimin has been waiting for this day. 


"T-Tae... are you awake?" Jimin whispered trying not to wake up Jungkook who was asleep on the bed next to Tae

Through cloudy eyes Taehyung barely managed to let out a hum before Jimin yanked his arm out of bed and dragged him to their back patio. "aghhh, pabo I'm tired. What do you want?"

"I can't sleep...I need to talk to someone and you're the only one I think I can talk about this with.."

"You're scaring me chim, you didn't murder someone did you?" Tae chuckled, trying to help his nervous friend

"Tae, I-I, I don't know what to do. I think I'm developing a crush on someone, someone we know, someone we are very close to and I don't know what to do about it." with watery eyes Jimin was shaking and it didn't go unnoticed by Taehyung who quickly took him in for a hug. 

"Who is it Jiminie? You know you can tell me anything. It won't leave this patio."

"D-don't make f-fun of me... p-please"

"Of course not Chim. Now spit it out?"

"U-um.. well.. it's Yoongi-hyung..." Jimin clenched his eyes closed and faced the ground 

"Oh Jiminie, you're so cute!" Tae squealed and took him in for an even tighter hug "I don't think you're stupid at all for this crush, in fact if you ask me I think it's probably mutual!"

"D-do you really think so?" 

"I wouldn't say it if I didn't"


If only I would've been around whenever you finally expressed those feelings.. Taehyung had to remind himself that it didn't matter what he missed in the four years that he was away. What mattered now was that he was here, on their wedding day and would be standing right by Jimin's side as he married Yoongi. He honestly wasn't sure of anything that could make him happier...when suddenly his phone pinged and he remembered just ONE thing that could possibly make him happier on a day like today. 


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