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6 hours after Taehyung left

Jungkook's P.O.V

The six boys loaded up onto the train following Tae's sudden exit. A million thoughts running through all of their minds..especially Jungkook's.

What happened?
Is Taehyung okay?
Was it Bogum?
Is he leaving him?
No, Jungkook. Don't think about that right now. Think about Tae.

"Jungkook-Ah" Yoongi whispered. Trying not to wake the sleeping members around them.

"Y-yes hyung?" Jungkook was doing his best to mask his worry but let it fall when Yoongi took him in for a hug. Tears began to pour "I'm so scared h-hyung...what if h-he doesn't come b-back again.. a-after everything"

"Shh, Kook. You know as well as I do how much Tae loves you, don't doubt his words to you. Trust that whatever was urgent enough for him to leave so suddenly is nothing to do with you, Alright? For now let's just pray that Taehyung makes it home safely and we hear from him soon"

Jungkook just nods. He knows his hyung is right but he was so looking forward to having Taehyung to himself for a week, a small glimpse of what he hopes would be their future.

He decides to pull out the phone Tae left behind, hoping to find a contact number for someone in Kyoto. His heart swelled whenever he put in his guess at Tae's passcode "tk4ever"

You never changed it?



"Taetae! What's up?!"

"Look, I got a new phone!" Tae flashed his new iPhone proudly

"Sweet! Did you get it all set up?!"

"Yep! Just trying to decide on a password." Tae pressed his lips together allowing his tongue to slip out slightly as he thought

"U-um... what about tk4ever?" Jungkook said quietly

"Hmm? What's that Kookie?" Taehyung looked puzzled at the youngers' suggestion

Jungkook rubbed his neck blushing "ya know, taekook4ever? I mean it's something you'll remember since we're best friends and all.." laughing uncomfortably "Yah! It's stupid I know, sorry I'm not good with passwords!"

Taehyung smiled so big at Jungkook's suggestion. He loved the idea of remembering the younger every time he unlocked his phone. "No it's perfect Kookie! I have the best password ever. It's gonna stay my password as long as we're friends, so forever!" Tae giggles flashing his boxy grin at Jungkook before returning to his new phone


Jungkook opened the phone and smiled when he saw his name saved as "Kookie💜" he hoped Tae would find a way to contact him soon.

He knew he shouldn't be nosy but he always loved Tae's eye for photography so he decided to glance through his camera roll to pass time—yeah, that's all I'm doing. Passing time.

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