Let Go

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Jungkook's P.O.V2 days later, Wednesday

The last two days were the worst Jungkook has had in a long time. You would think that he would've went home happy following his run-in with his favorite blonde but it was actually the opposite. He felt so many things in his heart. Anger, fear, jealousy, sadness, emptiness—all of these feelings that he didn't know how to cope with. For the most part he's just slept, only getting up whenever Seokjin forced him to eat or shower.

"Jungkook, you can't do this to yourself. What the hell happened to you?!"

"Hyung...I can't do this. It hurts too much"

"What are you talking about Jungkookie..."

"Tae..it hurts. Yoongi and I saw him and Bogum at a club in Kyoto—completely unintentional, but he looked so damn happy hyung. It killed me to see him like that, especially after all of the things he's said to me since we were there. I'm just so confused and I don't know what to feel.."

"Jungkookie, I know you're hurting but I'm not sure what all you expected. You knew that Tae was married...there had to be a part of you that knew he might choose to stay with his HUSBAND." Jin wanted to comfort the younger but at the same time he knew that Taehyung was a Band-Aid on Jungkook's heart and it needed to be ripped off.

Trying desperately to talk through his cracked voice "Jin-hyung, I knew. I knew there was a possibility that's why I came home!! I didn't ask Tae to text me the other night. I didn't want him to tell me that he wanted me instead. I DIDN'T ASK TO BE REMINDED THAT I'M NOT GONNA BE THE ONE HE ENDS UP WITH." No longer fighting back the tears "When w-we left the club.. he f-followed us.. he ran after me and k-kissed me... and it was perfect until he started crying and said sorry before running back into the club where I knew Bogum was waiting for him...God hyung it hurts so fucking bad just thinking about it"

Seokjin himself was tearing up...he wanted to be a strict hyung on the younger to help him get over this but right now all he hears is that both of his babies are hurting desperately for each other but one is hurting alone while the other is hurting in someone else's arms and that's not right.

"You can't do this to yourself, Kookie. No matter how much you love Taehyungie...and trust me I know how much you love each other. This isn't right. You're killing yourself over this while you have no idea what he is doing in the comfort of his home. Jungkook you need to let go." Releasing a deep sigh "If you're adamant about waiting for Taehyung to choose you that's fine, but in the meantime you can't just sit around while he's with his husband. Go out. Get your mind off of it and leave him alone. Don't call or text or say I love yous. None of that Jungkook. If Tae is going to choose you, he will do it on his own."

Jungkook just leaned back onto his bed in frustration. He knew that everything Seokjin was saying was true. To be honest, he desperately needed to forget about Taehyung if he was going to survive the next three days before the older arrived in Kyoto.

"Okay, I'm gonna shower." He smiled shyly at Jin who left the room

Please, choose me Tae. I think I'll die if you don't. He thinks to himself as he picks out some nice clothes for a day out in the city.

Taehyung's P.O.V

Bogum was out of town the last two days for filming. It kind of made Tae sad seeing as this was supposed to be his week of 'revelation' with his husband but work calls. He was proud of himself for resisting the urge to call Jungkook the moment he was alone. Taehyung hadn't stopped thinking about the younger since he saw him at the club. Even when he came out of his drunken stupor, he still remembered their amazing kiss on the sidewalk and he also remembers the pained expression that came across the younger's face whenever he walked away. Just as he was going to hop in the shower his phone began to ring

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