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Taehyung's P.O.V

Bogum tightened his grip on Taehyung's waist at the sight of Jeon Jungkook sitting on his porch, staring straight into the eyes of his husband.

"W-what are you doing here?" Tae was cursing himself for stuttering

"Can we talk?"

Taehyung stared blankly before he felt Bogum release from holding him. "It's okay baby, I need to go wash up and rest anyway. I'm already exhausted." Bogum smiles softly, placing a kiss on Tae's temple before heading towards his home.


"Bogum-hyung, I am happy to see you are well." Jungkook stated, genuinely, as he bowed. The older returned the bow before walking inside.

Once the door shut both Taehyung and Jungkook released the breaths they didn't realize they were holding. Tae lifted his head to meet the gaze of the man he's been missing for weeks.

"Why are you here?" It came out as a whisper.

"You know why I'm here, Tae. Did you really think I was going to accept that answer?" Jungkook whispered back.

Tae's eyes widened, tears threatening to spill out. "No, you aren't supposed to be here. You're supposed to be in Seoul, moving on from me." The words came out softly despite how harsh they were intended

Jungkook took two steps towards Taehyung before the older lifted a hand. "Don't.. please"

Jungkook sighed "Tae.. I don't understand why you're doing this. W-we were so happy when you came to visit me... I know you felt it too...I know you were going to c-chose me..."

Taehyung felt his breath hitch and his heart was pounding, he couldn't do this and tried hard to rush past Jungkook to enter his home but he should've known better. His hand was grabbed immediately by a stronger, rougher one.

"We're talking, Taehyung. I'm not letting you keep running from me."

The tears were flowing like a river stream now as Tae turned around and stared into those eyes again. "Why. I don't deserve you. I'm horrible."

Jungkook stepped forward, letting go of the older's hand and instead caressing his cheek. "Don't you dare speak of yourself like that to me. You are perfect, Taehyung. Absolutely flawless. There is nothing about you, about this, about us that is horrible. Other than the fact that you keep trying to push me away." When the older didn't swat his hand he saw this as an opening and to hell if he wasn't going to take it, he allowed his other hand to drift to Taehyung's slender waist, pulling him closer to where the only thing separating the two was their connected foreheads.

Allowing the pad of his thumb to still rub soft circles on the older's cheek. "Don't tell me you don't feel this."

Tae's breath hitched again and he couldn't think straight. God he missed Jungkook so much but Bogum was right on the other side of that door.

"Tae. I've spent every second thinking of you since that night I came to your room. When I woke up next to you in Seoul I almost cried out of happiness. The feeling of having you close to me in my arms is incomparable to anything else. I know that you feel this too. I know that you love me too. I know your heart races with every touch...just like mine does." Jungkooks voice faltered a bit "but if you really don't want this, I'll go. I swear I'll walk away right now and I won't bother you ever again." He began walking forward, still holding Tae close, still connecting their foreheads, slowly pushing the other against the brick surrounding his home. "But damn it Tae, I'm not leaving unless you tell me too. I'm not letting go unless you tell me you don't want this. So do it, if you want me to go tell me now." He whispered those words while his lips were hovering over Tae's.

Taehyung could feel the breath of each word ghosting his lips, it was intoxicating. He was melting with every word the younger spoke and knew that any second he'd be complete putty in his hands. He didn't know what to do or think or say "Kookie, I-" he was cut off but Jungkook connecting their lips.

Third Person P.O.V

Their lips were dancing together softly and slowly. Both of them had tears streaming down their faces. Taehyung knew he needed to walk away and close the door but the moment Jungkook's lips met his he realized there was nothing he could do to convince himself to do that. So he melted. Giving in and allowing his arms to wrap around the younger's neck, carding his fingers through the soft brunette locks he's played with in his dreams.

Jungkook's heart was soaring when he felt the older submit to his kiss. Softly nibbling on his lower lip asking for entrance which Tae didn't hesitate to give him. They allowed each other's tongues to explore their hot caverns slowly at first but it quickly turned heated and lustrous. Jungkook began tracing Tae's sides and managed to sneak a hand up the older's shirt, rubbing circles on the small of his back. They back away for a breath and locked eyes...it was as if time truly stopped in that moment.

"I love you, Taehyung and I want you, for the rest of my life. Please... please don't tell me to leave" Jungkook whispered before taking the older into another kiss

"I *kiss* need this *kiss* forever *kiss* every *kiss* day *kiss* I want *kiss* to shower you *kiss* with all of my love" he backed away and cupped Tae's face with his hands.

"Baby....please speak"

Tae felt like he was going to pass out. This was perfect, Jungkook was perfect. But it was such a mess. How could he walk into his husband who just woke up from a coma and explain that he wants a divorce.

"Kookie... you know that I love you. God, I love you so fucking much Jungkook. I just have things I need to deal with right now.... I can't give you what you want Jungkook. I can't give you .. me"

He looked down, tears falling even harder when he felt Jungkook raise his face by his chin. "But I still want you... Tae. I will wait. I don't care how long it takes for you to be ready for me. I will wait until the end of time, if it means I get to spend my last day with you in my arms. So please. Don't push me away. Handle what you need to inside those doors but promise me that one day. You'll be mine and until then I'll wait." He leaned in and placed another soft kiss on Tae's lips. Holding tightly onto the older's waist as if this would be the last time.

Tae pulled away from the kiss and stared at Jungkook. Getting lost in those eyes that he swears holds the entire universe. He took a deep breath before muttering "okay."

Jungkook's eyes widened "okay?"

"Yes. Okay. But it's not going to be tomorrow Kookie. I'm not going to wake up tomorrow and be single. It's going to take time. You know that right? I've never stopped loving you, not for a single second of my life. I've loved you everyday since I left years ago and I've dreamed countless times of an alternate life where I was yours. So if you're willing to wait for me, then I'm willing to promise you that I will work on things here so that I can be yours.... the right way." Tae's breath hitched "but for the remainder of my time as Bogum's husband...we can't do this. I'm going to finish this correctly. Divorce him properly and not be cheating the entire time. You understand that, right?"

Jungkook couldn't even hide his excitement. He quickly lifted the older up into a hug and spun him around. "Yes. Yes. I understand. I won't make a move on you until you tell me it's time. Baby...god...I think I'm going to cry again...I'm so fucking happy Tae." Jungkook held the older tight and stole one last kiss. Making sure to pour all of his love into it before pulling away.

"I'll be waiting for you, Tae. However long it takes. I love you with all of my fucking heart and soul" Jungkook whispered as he slowly began to back away from the house.

Tae smiles softly, with tear stained cheeks "wait for me, Jeon Jungkook. I love you too."

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