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Taehyung's P.O.V

He had no idea how much he was going to love being a model again. Years had passed since the last time Taehyung was really in front of a professional camera and something about it made him flourish.

From the lights to the impeccable clothing ensemble. Tae was definitely in heaven. Though the flights out to Seoul every other day we're definitely taking a toll on his skin. The amount of concealer necessary to hide those bags was unreal.

"Alright only a couple more Mr. Pa-Kim.." the shoot director looked mortified "I'm s-so sorr-"

Taehyung just started bursting out laughing "please it's not the worst thing in the world. Don't worry about it. You actually made my day, it felt like the whole time I was married I kept getting called Kim and now that I'm not married anymore I keep getting called Park" he patted the director before making his way to the photo set. "Seriously, I don't care. Let's wrap this up, shall we?" He smiled brightly and carried on with his shoot.

The shoot ended late so Taehyung didn't get much sleep before he had to wake up and head home. Finally on a plane headed back to Kyoto. If he was being honest he couldn't wait to move back to Korea. Don't get him wrong, Taehyung absolutely loves Japan but being close to his ex-bandmates again makes him realize how much he misses out on by being so far away. Just as he was slipping into sleep his phone lunges and a smile immediately crept on his face.

Taehyung didn't know why he was keeping the fact that he was in Seoul 4 times a week, a secret from Jungkook

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Taehyung didn't know why he was keeping the fact that he was in Seoul 4 times a week, a secret from Jungkook. It was becoming tiring lying about his schedule. It wasn't really necessary but he just knew that it would make things complicated. So he sat his phone down and allowed himself to sleep, soon finding himself in a dream where after his shoots he went home to a certain fluffy haired man every night.

Jungkook's P.O.V

The last month flew by quicker than Jungkook expected. Prepping for his move into his new home was much more than he thought it would be: he never realized how much crap he accumulated until it was time to pack up his and Seokjin's apartment.

He was officially moving in today and the excitement overtook him quickly, the last thing he had to pack up was his small wardrobe seeing that the rest of his closet had already been sent off. His heart fluttered when he saw that silky pajama top that he's held onto for all this time and a devilish grin quickly overtook his face at the thought of making Tae wear it for him again. Feeling his jeans get tight he groaned.

How the hell do you do this to me, Tae? He rolled his eyes as he just continued packing ignoring the slight bulge in his pants.

A few hours passed by and he found himself in front of his new home with a moving truck and 5 best friends in tow.

"Holy cow, Jungkook! This house is so cute!" Jimin shouted jumping out of the van. "Tae is gonna be so jealous, this is like his dream home!"

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