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Friday morning

Taehyung's P.O.V

Taehyung wasn't sure why Bogum had been acting so strange. He was very quiet when he was home as opposed to a few days ago whenever the older was trying desperately to woo his husband. He figured it had to do with today being the day he goes back to Korea. Tae glanced over at his phone to see that he had 8 hours before his flight this evening. So he decided to roll out of bed and enjoy a bubble bath which he hasn't done in a very long time. He pulled out his Bluetooth speaker and had his favorite OST playing, echoing throughout the bathroom. His angelic voice filling the room as well leaking into the hallway.

Bogum was downstairs, he had spent all evening the night before gathering supplies for the ultimate send off for Tae. There were rose petals leading all the way from their bedroom to the living room, where Bogum was waiting patiently on the couch for his beautiful husband to come downstairs. He closed his eyes peacefully whenever he heard Tae's singing, he always loved that sound more than anything in the world—second only to Taehyung's laugh.

Finally, he heard the tub draining and sat up. Taehyung was a little concerned about his husband's whereabouts but figured not saying a goodbye would make it easier for him when it comes to decision making. After dressing in his favorite silk button down and white skinny jeans, Tae walked out of his bedroom. Immediately shocked at the sight of all the petals on the floor. He glanced over the banister downstairs where he was Bogum sitting on the couch, knees shaking. Tae gulped, unsure what this was about. He descended the stairs and locked eyes with his husband, Bogum stood up.

"Morning love"

"Morning Taehyung" Bogum smiled sweetly, extending a hand to the stunning man in front of him

"What is all of this?"

"Well I have to leave overnight for filming so I won't be here to send you off later. I wanted to properly say goodbye to my husband before you leave me for a week..." the last part of that sentence trailed off, as if he wasn't sure if it would really only be a week.

Taehyung just smiled at Bogum warmly, genuinely loving the gesture made by the older. Tae wrapped his arms around the older and placed a soft kiss on his lips but his smile turned to a frown whenever he felt Bogum's lips trembling against his. Tae pulled away to lock eyes with his husband and immediately felt his own tears well up at the sight


"Taehyung, I know that there is a very good possibility that you are going to go to Korea and run straight to him... and I-I want you to b-be happy... I d-do, I just h-hope that your h-happiness is here w-with m-me." Bogum broke down and got on his knees still gripping tightly onto Tae's hands "I love you so much, Taehyung. I have been so blessed to be your husband for the last two years and I've been kicking myself every single night for the last two weeks realizing all of the things I've done wrong. I shouldn't have put you in a position to even think of another man, I'm pathetic and I'm so sorry for being a horrible husband."

Tae couldn't handle seeing this. Yes, Bogum did many things that Taehyung didn't like and there were many flaws in their marriage...but Tae's current dilemma is not Bogum's fault. It's his own. Had he not left like a child and abandoned feelings with no closure maybe they wouldn't be coming back up, maybe he would have genuinely wanted to choose Bogum.

"Bogum, don't say that. You haven't been a horrible husband, not even a little" Tae cupped his face pulling him up to where their foreheads are rested against each other "Please know that nothing that has happened is your fault. I was broken when you found me Bogumie...you have no idea how broken I was because I've always locked that part of me away. So whenever they came back and reopened that wound that hadn't quite scarred yet, well that's why I'm where I am now. But damn it, don't you dare say that you are pathetic. I love you, Bogum Park. I really do. I'm sorry that you have to love someone as broken as me." Tae mutters, feeling his own voice falter no matter how firm he tried to be.

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